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Y/n could sense something growing closer to her, she looks back and sees no other than Marshall flying after her. She looks ahead, glaring at nothing. "Oh, give me a break." She grumbles, right then she sped her pace up to get away from him. But he could easily keep up with her, no matter how fast she ran, he was always just a arms length away. Until finally, he flew ahead and landed in front of her, blocking her path. Y/n came to an immediate stop, causing her to nearly trip over herself.

Quickly, she turned and tried to run the other way, but Marshall was too fast for her. He reaches out and grabs her, holding her up like a puppy he got for Christmas likes he was weightless. Which, would make sense, given that he's a vampire. "Ain't getting away from me that easy puppy." He says as he tightens his grip, to make sure she couldn't escape. "Why did you leave so early huh? Was my singing that bad?" She could feel his breath brushing against her fur, she shivered before turning back into her humanoid form. But she doesn't try to escape. "It's not that..." She tries looking at anything else than him.

"Then what was it? Was it too overwhelming? I can understand that." He says, shifting his arms slightly. "It was your first concert after all." Y/n wanted nothing more than to get out of his grasp, yet she didn't move. Marshall looks down at her, taking a good look at her new outfit. "It looks good on you." Y/n looks up slightly. "The outfit, I mean." He finishes. "T-Thank you..." Y/n mutters. Marshall sighs before moving his arms's position to a more, hugging manor. "Come on, tell me what's on your mind." Y/n felt heat rushing to her cheeks, she couldn't take it anymore. She finally yanks herself away from him. "You! You're on my mind! And I can't stand it!" She shouts at him. Marshall blinks a few times. "Pardon?"

"Why do you have to be so nice to me all the time!? Why do you have be concerned about me!? Why did you make that song!?" Her hands met her head, she was ruffling her hair, trying to focus on what she really wanted to say. "Was it to make me suffer like this?" Her voice started to crack. "This feeling...why did you have to make feel like this?" She whimpers. Marshall finally started to get it. "Y/n...do you like me?" He asks. Y/n grit her teeth together, he fists clenched tightly. What could she say to that? Yes, yes I do like you Marshall! In fact, I love you! We've only known each for a short time, yet I have managed to fall head over heals, for the person I thought I was going to hate more than anyone! "Y/n," Marshall says more sternly this time. "Do you like me?"

What only came from Y/n mouth, was pathetic whimpers and unintelligible sobbing. Marshall walks to Y/n, before wrapping his arms around her, pulling her closer to his chest. Her ears couldn't pick up a thing, not a thing could be heard from his chest. Though, if he had a living heart, would it had done the same? Pull away! Her mind shouted. Push him away! It growled. But she didn't want to, she refused to. Y/n finally gave in and hid her face in his chest, crying all while doing so. Marshall stroked the back of her head gently, while soothingly hushing her. "I'm...I'm sorry I made you cry." He was the first to speak. Y/n didn't move from her position.

"I'm just curious, why me?" He starts. "I'm sure there were plenty of good looking wolves back at your pack. Weren't any of them better? Couldn't any of them treated you the way you should be treated. And you know, not dead." Y/n finally looks up at him, the moon behind him, making him shine. "None of them made me feel the way you made me feel. I've had crushes sure, but nothing compared to this." She speaks softly. Y/n pulls back from him slightly. "It can't work." She says, her voice filled with dread. "My father, my alpha, would never approve."

"Who gives a shit?"

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