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Y/n was sleeping soundly, though her breathing was still shaky. The three walked over to her, Fiona and Cake had said a few get well words to her before leaving Marshall alone with her. He was silent for a moment or two before finally breaking down. "Damn it Y/n..." He held onto her hand. "What were you thinking?" He starts to sniffle. "I know your lifespan is short, but you and die so soon like this!" He leaned his head down to the hand he was holding. "You can't Y/n...you can't." The room went silent again.

"Marshall..." He raised his head to see Y/n slowly opening her eyes. She turned her head to face him, and smiled. "You're alright, that's good." Marshall's grip on her hand got a tad tighter. "I'm ok? Who cares if I'm ok? I can regenerate when I get injured. You can't. Y/n, you could have died today!" Y/n smile fell. "Yes I know..." Marshall calmed himself down. "Y/n, I just don't want to loose you. And when I saw you behind held by that jackals, bleeding out like that...I really thought you were dead." Y/n blinked a few times. "Marshall- Wait...Where is he?" She asks urgently. "Dead." Marshall answers simply. Y/n calmed down and gripped his hand. "What about my father?" Marshall didn't know how to respond, how could he? "Marshall. Where is my father?" Y/n says more sternly. Marshall sighed and looked her in the eyes. "He isn't going to make it Y/n. I'm sorry."

Y/n felt her heart snap, was she hearing him correctly? "W-what...what do you mean?" Y/n says barely above a murmur. "I'm really sorry. Buba told me just a while ago." Marshall explained. Y/n stared up at the ceiling blankly. "I wanna see him. Now." Y/n sat up, ignoring the stabbing pain she felt in her waist and neck. "No Y/n, you need to rest!" Marshall tried to lay her back down, but was stopped when she grabbed his hand. "I want to see him!" She cries, tears starting to pour from her eyes. Marshall sighs, it was only fair she saw him before he died. "Fine, but you're not walking." Marshall carefully picks her up and walks out the door.

"Y/n, you're awake!" Fiona says happily. "And out of bed! Marshall what do you think you're doing? She needs rest!" Cake says in a stern tone. "She wants to see her father." Marshall says before walking past them, there wasn't much they could do to stop him, so they let him go. Once they got there, Marshall asked if Y/n was ready to go in. She takes a deep shaky breath before nodding. Marshall opened the door and carried her inside, the sight of Alleris made Y/n heart stop. "Dad..." Her voice wavered. Marshall set her gently next to his bed before giving her some space.

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