Chapter 2

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"A werewolf you say?" Marshall just got done explaining to the candy prince. "Mind explaining what's kind?" Marshall looks at him confused. "What kind? There are different kinds?" The prince nods. "Of carouse there are. There's the normal type, the pure blooded type, grace-enchanted, plenty." He shrugs at the end. "Uhhh, look I don't know nor do I care what kind she is. I came here cause I want to know how to get rid of her." The prince hummed. "Have you tried silver?" Marshall rolls his eyes. "I wouldn't be asking if I did."

"What does she want from you?" He asks. "She just wants to make sure I'm not attacking her dumb pack. But I have a feeling she's going to keep it up. So I need some of your science crap to keep her away." Marshall explains. "My science is not crap, Marshall. It's full of useful-"

"Yeah yeah, useful crap, right. Just tell me how to get rid of the damn wolf Buba." Marshall groans while floating around him lazily. "Please don't call me Buba." The prince glares at him slightly. "And if you really want to get rid of her that badly, then just do what you always do with pests." Marshall knew what that meant, if it came to it then of course he would do it. "Alright. And let's say she has some buddies, how do I keep them away?" The prince turn back to continue his work. "Just keep that silver near by."

"Uh huh. Alright, thanks I guess Gumwad." Marshall chuckles before flying out his window. The prince growls and shakes his fist at him. "It's Gumabll you vampire bat!!"

Y/n, in her wolf form, was running through the woods after a deer, the dark of night didn't falter her vision in the slightest. If anything, her werewolf eyes made her vision better than any other wolf or human alive. Her speed was always faster than any wolf, so the deer was pretty much dead. She pounces and pins the wolf down under her. Before she finished the deer off that same smell of death filled her nose, causing her to loose her focus on the deer, who slipped out from her and ran away. She growls and looks around her. "Come out! I know you're here, you soul sucker!" She could hear Marshall chuckling from behind her. She turns to see nothing however. Suddenly, Marshall appeared right in front of her face. She yelps and jumps back, making Marshall laugh. "Wow, you really got scared by that? I thought you were suppose to be the big bad wolf."

Y/n snarls and jumps at Marshall, he quickly turns invisible and doges. Y/n, instead of crashing into him, crashes into a tree instead. She fell back on the ground and turned back into her humanoid form. "Ugh..." She groans before sitting up, rubbing her head. Meanwhile, Marshall was laughing all the while. Y/n glares up at him. "Oh yes, laugh it up. It will be real hilarious when I rip your jaw from your skull."

"Ooh, very violent wolfy." Marshall smirks. "I'd love to see you try it." Y/n stands up to face him. "What do you think you're doing here? I thought I told you to-" Marshall interrupts her. "Eh! You said to stay away from your pack. And your pack ain't around." He says while getting up in her face. "You don't own the entire woods puppy." Y/n growls, not backing away, she stares him down to assert her dominance. "I may not own the woods, but I told you to stay away from me! I don't want your death smell anywhere near or on me!"

"Oh really?" Marshall raises an eyebrow. "I guess you understand how I feel with your dog smell around my place." He flicks her forehead before floating upwards. Y/n growls and turns to leave. "You'd be so lucky to have a dog smell rather than your rotted smell." Marshall rolls his eyes and floated next to her as she walked, much to her disliking. "Why are you following me?" She says lowly. "Cause I'm bored puppy." He answers simply. "Do not call me puppy! I have a name, use it!" She snaps. "Yikes, you sure on edge today. What's got your fur in a bunch?"

She turns to him, glaring while doing so. "You wanna know why? Well, unlike you, I can't spend my days floating around doing squat! I have responsibilities, I have a purpose!" Marshall scowls slightly. "Oh you think I don't have a purpose?" He asks. "Oh, I know you don't." Marshall floats down in front of her to stop her. "How about I let you in on a little secret? My purpose has nothing to do with my "responsibilities". My porpoise isn't to rule the Nightophere after my mother." His tone shifted to a more serious one. "I don't know what my purpose is yet, but I do know it won't be someone that's going to make me miserable. My purpose is going to be cool as hell and it's going to be my choice when it comes along."

Y/n blinked a few time, did this vampire actually say something worth meaning? She shook it off and moved past him. "Then keep to your purpose and I'll keep to mine." Was all she said before continuing on.

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