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Y/n watched Marshall fly off, the sting in her chest only growing more and more. "You did the right thing Y/n." Y/n turned to see Colin, his arms crossed. "Those vampires are no good. Not for you, or this pack." He says as he walks closer to her, she wanted nothing more than to push him back. But she knew better than to lay hands on an alpha, her alpha. "I mean, why on earth would you want to be around one after what they did to your mother?" Colin makes his way in front of her. "No, let me guess. He's different?" He chuckles.

"He's different cause he hasn't tried to kill you? He's different because he has friends?" Colin shakes his heads. "It doesn't matter what he does now, or who he befriends, not even how much he thinks he's changed, he's still a vampire. And all vampires are evil creatures." Y/n grit her teeth together tightly, her fists clenched in rage. "Not to mention, manipulative. He had you believing that he was such a good person didn't he? I feel sorry for you Y/n, really I do." Colin places his hand on her shoulder.

"But now, you won't have to worry about him ever again." Y/n growls and grabs his wrist tightly. "You're wrong! You're wrong about everything! You don't know Marshall at all!" Colin glares down at her. "And you do?" Y/n's claws started to pierce his skin, yet he didn't flinch. "I know that he isn't evil, not like you! What you did, making me take the fall like that. You are no wolf, you're a pathetic worm! A coward!" Y/n started to grin.

"I bet you knew I was going to beat you. You knew I was going to win, and you would never have your perfect pack. Colin, I would have been a better alpha, than you could ever hope to be." Her grip got tighter and tighter. "And I would have done it proudly! Unlike the likes of y-" Colin smacks her across the face harshly, causing her to let go and stumble backwards. "You've forgotten your place." He steps forwards and grabs a fist full of her hair and drags her to the ground.

"I am the alpha now, and you are nothing but a follower! You will obey your alpha, or you will suffer the consequences! Do you hear me!?" He pushes her face more into the dirt. Y/n growls and uses all her strength to push herself upwards enough to elbow him in the gut. He groans and lets go of her, right before kicking her in the gut. "So that's how it is?" Colin moves stray strands of hair out of his face. "You want that vampire? You want that human and cat? Then you can have them."

Y/n looks at him confused. Colin grabs her by the back of her neck and starts dragging her back to the pack. "Let me go!" She growls and tries to escape from Colin's grasp, but it was all for nothing. Once they got there, Colin threw her to the ground, catching all the pack members attention. "Colin, what is the meaning of this?" Y/n's father storms over. "Watch it!" Colin warns him.

"This one-" He points down at Y/n. "-is defective." Y/n struggled to sit up straight. "Explain yourself Colin." The alpha glares at him. "She's been disobeying me, attacking me, and questioning my authority. I will not have a wolf like that in my pack!" Colin jerks Y/n up. "I hear by exile Y/n from this pack!" Gasps could be heard from the members of the pack. "Colin, that is my daughter! You can't!"

"Oh I'm sorry, would you prefer to have an uprising in this pack? The pack you worked so hard to keep peaceful with each other? She will be our downfall! Now stay in your place before I exile you as well." Colin turns to Y/n. "If I catch you near here I'll have you killed on sight. You understand me?" Y/n looks him straight in the eye, not saying a word before walking past him. Before she left, she turns to her former pack. "We will see who causes this packs downfall shortly, coward." With that, she was gone.

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