Chapter 8

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The two continued their make outs back at Marshall's place. It had slowly gotten more intense, his hands gripped on her waist began tighter. Y/n would tug at his hair every time his tongue would brush against her own. Eventually she had to pull away for a breath. Marshall got a good look at her whenever she did that, she looked so beautiful. He felt his face heat up and quickly his his face in her neck. "Puppy...damn you're cute." He says in a husky tone, making Y/n shiver. She jumped slightly when he suddenly started nibbling on her neck, his fangs grazing over her neck. But he would never bring them down all the way.

"M-Marshall?" She tried her best to stifle a whimper, he hums in response. "Are you trying to b-bite me?" She flinches when his fangs brushed against a certain sensitive spot. "Mmm, nah puppy." He kisses again. "I wouldn't do that to you." He then uses his tongue to on said spot. Y/n leans her head back to give him more room. "Why not?" She murmurs. Marshall pauses his action, eyes trail up to hers. He slowly pulls pack before softly placing his hand on her cheek. "If I bit you, you would turn into what I'm am." He explains.

"Right...but what if that wasn't a bad idea?" She questions. "You don't want that Y/n." He assures her. She looks at him, with slight confusion. "Why wouldn't I? I don't live forever like you do, and I don't want to leave you Marshall. Not after everything I just confessed to you, after feeling what I did." Marshall leans down and kisses her forehead. "Immortality comes with a heavy cost. We would be together forever, but our friends, your family, when they die, you'll still be alive." Y/n furrows her eyebrows. "My "family" got rid of me. They don't want me, they can die without me if they want." She growls slightly, she still was hurt by what happened. After everything she's gone through, and it was all for nothing.

"You don't mean that." Marshall pets her hair. "Listen to me Y/n. You may not live as long as I do, but every second I'm here with you, makes up for thousands of years I've been alone. You make me feel something, you make me feel like I'm not a monster." Y/n sighs and leans into his chest. "Alright. But I'm going to change your mind one day." Marshall chuckles and lays back. "Whatever you say puppy."

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