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"Mhm...Ugh." The wolf girl opened her eyes slowly. "Where...Where am I?" She mutters. She tries to move, but it proved to be useless. Her arms and legs were tied up tight. "What the!?" She tries to move around as best as she can. "No point in doing that. You're not going anywhere." The girl looked up and saw the same vampire she fought that fateful night. "You!" She snarls. "Get the hell away from me! You blood sucking, soul thieving, demon worshiping, freak!" Marshall Lee laughs, clearly amused by her name calling. "Wow, you come up with those yourself?" He floats around her. The girl didn't take her eyes off of him. "I told you to stay away."

"Yeah I know you did. Too bad I don't give a-"

"Marshall! We're back and we got more rope if she tries to transform!" Fiona says while bursting in through the door. "Oh she's awake." Cake says while swaying her tail. "Careful you two, she's pretty ticked." Marshall leans his arm on her head, flattening her ears while doing so. She jerks her head away, and falls over on her side. She growls as she tried to wiggle free. "I thought I told you, there's no point in doing that." Marshall floats down to the ground and steps on her side, not too harshly, but just enough to warn her to stop her attempts.

"Now you're going to tell me why you've been stalking me. Otherwise you can say by to your tail." He moves his foot down to the base of her tail. As soon as he did that, her body jerks away. "Don't you touch me!" Marshall glares down at her. "Then start talking." The girl glances at Fiona and Cake, they gave her the same glare. As if they were daring her to try anything. The girl groans and finally simmers down slightly. "I have my reasons. It's not like I want to be anywhere near your horrid scent."

"Care to explain said reasons?" Cake asks. "My pack is near by, but they don't know your here yet. So I decided to keep an eye on you. If you tried anything you can guarantee, I'm will stop you." She says sternly. "So there's more of you? Great. Just what I need." Marshall sighs. "So what's your name?" Fiona asks. "Like I would tell you." The girl starts to look away before looking back at her. "You're human?" She asks. Fiona nods. "Sure am."

"I thought humans were all wiped out." The girl murmurs. She shakes her head to focus herself. "So are you going to feed me to your vampire friend?" She asks. "Heh, like I would waste my time on a mutt like you." Marshall scoffs. "Besides I don't drink blood." The girl looks up at him as best as she can. "A vampire that doesn't drink blood? Heh, yeah right."

"He's telling the truth. Marshall doesn't drink blood, but he does drink the color." Fiona tells her. The girl cocks an eyebrow. "You really are a freak." Marshall hisses slightly at her comment. "Hey, why haven't you tried transforming yet?" Cake asked. "Because I don't have the energy. I've been so busy keeping an eye on this soul sucker, that I haven't been able to get much sleep."

"Hey, no one asked you to keep an eye on me." Said Marshall. "Why are you keeping an eye on me?" The girl's ears lower slightly. "I have my reasons for doing what I do." Marshall groans and kicks her lightly. "Thats not an answer!" The girl growls at him. "Marshall. Take it easy." Fiona got down to the girl's level. "Are you trying to kill him?" She asked. "And if you are, then why?"

"...I didn't intend on killing him in the first place. But I will if I must." Fiona hums at her response. "Well, what would he have to do to make you kill him?" The girl was silent for a moment before answering. "Untie me, and I'll tell you." Marshall laughs. "Yeah right. As if we would-Fiona!!" The adventurer was already untying the wolf girl. "What? This is how we establish trust." She says before untying her. "No, this is how you get maimed by a wolf girl!"

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