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Y/n's eyes fluttered opened, to see Colin clutching his now broken arm. He glares down the person who caused that injury, Y/n follows his eyes. It was Alleris, who returned the glare tenfold. "Damn you old man!" Colin snarled. "You just won't die will you!?" His eyes were bloodshot. "Until I know my daughter is safe, I will not lay down my life." Colin's vision was blinded by pure rage and hatred. All he wanted in this very moment was to kill Alleris and Y/n, and he would do it even if it killed him. Colin, ignoring his now broken arm, started attacking Alleris.

Y/n, tried to pull herself up to assist her father, but the pain was too much. Her cuts and bruises stung every time she moved, her ribs ached every time she took a ragged breath, she was helpless. Her eyes shut tightly, her fist clenched. "Damn it..." She says weakly. What kind of wolf was she? She pulls herself to her hands and knees. Giving up this easily...that's the weakest way out. She managed to stand up on her shaky legs. She wouldn't falter, not here! She lifts her head, to see a most disturbing sight. Colin, with his claws straight through her father's gut. He pulled away, sending blood flying onto him. Alleris fell to the ground, blood leaving his gaping wound.

Y/n's mind went blank, all she could see was her father's limp body surrounded in his own blood. A horrible ringing filled her ears, Colin was talking but she couldn't hear what he was saying. As he reached out to grab her, Y/n grabbed his wrist. "Huh? What do you think you're doing?" Colin tried to pull his arm away, but her grip only got tighter. The sound of her heartbeat filled her ears, first her mother, now her father... "I said, let go!" Colin managed to pull his arm away and raised it to strike her. But Y/n was too quick for him, she moved out it of the way and walked towards her father's body.

"Hey! We aren't finished!" Colin for Lee's from behind her. Y/n leaned down and placed her hand gently on her father's face. "...You killed him." She muttered. "Eh? Speak up runt!" Y/n's teeth grit together, her head snapped back to look at her. "You killed my father!!" She pounced at him, and bit down hard on his shoulder. She twisted her head around to deepen the injury. Colin jerked her back from the head, but she kicked her leg up, her leg coming in contact with Colin's chin. He groaned and dropped her to the ground, she quickly ran behind him and clawed up his back.

"Damn you!" Colin turned and tried to grab her again, but she slipped away from him. The one good thing about this from, is that she can be more agile. The werewolf form is stronger, but slower when it comes to moment, while the wolf form, can be faster, but less stronger. It was the best from she could use in this situation, she couldn't transform if she wanted to. Her body was in so much pain, she had to focus to keep herself from collapsing. "You think you'll be able to beat me in this form? You won't get more than a few scratches on me!" He was right, Y/n would never be able to defeat him in her current form. She had to turn into a werewolf or else...

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught the glint of something shining. "Y/n!!" A familiar voice yells. Suddenly Fiona came flying down, slashing down Colin's back with her sword. Colin wails before falling down on one knee. "Fiona!?" Y/n calls. "Don't worry Y/n, Cake is still with Marshall, he's going to be ok." Fiona smiles. "But we can talk more about that later, let's take this guy down!"

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