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A week had past since then, Y/n had managed to get by on her own just fine. She was strong enough for that at least, but she never was herself after everything that happened. Maybe if she learned to shut her mouth for once she could have stayed back with the rest of her pack. But there was no way she was going to be pushed around like that, she'd die before she let anyone treat her like she was less than nothing.

It didn't take long for others to notice her disappearance. "Why don't we just ask Marshall where she is? He was the last to see her." Cake asks her sister. "Because, the last time I brought her up he nearly bit my head off. They must have gotten into another fight." Fiona explains. "We'll just have to keep looking ourselves." Fiona was just as curious as Cake, what had made Marshall and Y/n fought like that? They were just starting to get along, and now they hate each other more than ever.

"We've checked everywhere Fi. Maybe she's moved on somewhere else." Fiona and Cake and made their way into the woods for the second time today. "Maybe, but I just want to make sure." Cake was about to protest before they both heard a ominous noise from behind them. Fiona instinctively pulled out her sword, and Cake grew slightly bigger. The noise settled down and everything went quiet, Fiona and Cake lowered their guard, thinking whatever was there had moved along.

All of a sudden, a giant boar monster rushed out from the trees and barreled towards them. Before they could act, a giant wolf jumped over the two and tackled the boar to the ground. The monster struggled for a bit before the wolf finished it off. The wolf looked back at Fiona and Cake, starting at them intently. Fiona raises her sword, ready to attack the wolf if made any sudden moves. But instead of attacking, the wolf made a small grunt before starting to shrink and morf.

"...Y/n??" Cake gasps. Y/n looks them up and down, checking them for any injury before turning her attention back to the boar. "Looks like I'll have food for the next few days." She picked the giant boar up with ease before turning back to Fiona and Cake. "Get out of here before I have to save your asses again." Fiona pouts and puts her sword away. "Not until you tell us why you and Marshall got into a fight. I thought you guys were finally cool with each other."

"I don't have to explain myself to you." She growls. "Don't you growl at my little Fiona!" Cake hisses. "Now you listen to me! Fiona and I have been looking for you all day, having us worried sick for you and such! Now start talking!" She says sternly. Y/n winces slightly at her motherly tone. "...I got kicked out of my pack." She mutters. "Oh, we had no idea Y/n. We're so sorry." Fiona says sympathetically. Y/n only shrugs before walking off, and of course they followed. "What?" Y/n scowls.

"Why did they kick you out?" Fiona asks. "Fi, I'm sure that's a private matter." Cake bumps her arm, warning her not to keep pressing for questions. "Yeah, I'd rather not talk about this thanks." Y/n murmurs. "Well...what did you and Marshall get into a fight for?" Fiona asks, making Cake shake her head. "Because I don't need him. He's part of of the reason I was kicked out! And so are you two." Y/n continues. "But the blame is on me too, I was too careless and let emotions take over my better senses. I should have known better than to do the things I did."

"Well that's dumb." Fiona says out of nowhere. "Excuse me?" Y/n looks over at her. "That's dumb." Fiona says simply. "You think you're not allowed to have emotions, let alone friends. From what I saw when we were all hanging out, you were having fun. It was the most relaxed I've ever seen you. If your pack can't loosen up and let you have a little fun every now and a while, then that's no pack I would want to be a part of."

"You couldn't possibly understand, I had to work to get up to where I was. And all for it to be thrown away like that..." Y/n glares down at the ground. Fiona and Cake looked at each other before Cake speaks. "Tell you sweetie, why not stay with us for a while? We have plenty of room." She smiles softly. "I don't need your pity." Y/n looks away from them. "It's not pity, it's called being neighborly. Besides, you look like you need a shower and some medical attention."

"I don't really have a choice do I?" Y/n groans. "Nope!" Fiona and Cake said in unison before they lead Y/n back to their treehouse.

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