Chapter 10

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Colin glares at Fiona. "Damn human. You should have been wiped out a long time ago." Fiona raises her sword. "Fiona, this is my fight." Y/n says while panting. "You're struggling to keep yourself up Y/n. You won't be able to keep it up forever." Fiona looks over at her. "I know this must be a pride thing, but it's ok to have your friends help. And what kind of friend would I be if I just let you die here?" Y/n sighed, she knew there was no changing Fiona's mind. "Alright. Just throw him off guard for me, I'll take care of the rest." Fiona nods and gets ready to attack.

She rushed Colin and started swinging again, Colin blocked and dodged Fiona's attacked. "Having a human fight your battles for you? How more pathetic can you get!?" Colin barks. "You're way wrong of you think I'm just a normal human!" Fiona says as she backs up a bit. "I'm a monster fighting, butt kicking, hero!" She says proudly before swinging her sword again. "And it's my job to take down monsters like you! And save my friends like Y/n! So shut your mouth about her!" Colin grabbed her sword, ignoring the sharp pain and blood flowing from his hand.

He then pulls her up before punching her in the gut, and throwing her off somewhere. Colin flexed his claws as he walked towards her. Y/n summoned what little energy she had left and turned into a werewolf, she rushed over to Colin and grabbed him from behind. She then threw him over her head before pinning him down. "You've hurt more than enough people today." She growls. Colin shook off the shock from her attack. "Dont forget, this is your punishment! Why you care for that vampire, truly baffles me! You must not care about your mother." Y/n felt the gains popping up on her head, she moved her claws down to his broken arm and squeezed tightly.

Colin failed to hold back a pained groan. "Marshall, is not like those vampires. Marshall actually cares about me, and his friends. You have no idea what he's gone through, don't act like you know him!" She growls in his face. "And what!?" Colin growls back. "You're setting yourself up for disappointment! You are not immortal, while he is. Just what do you think will happen once you die?" Y/n was about to shut him up before he continued. "I'll tell you what, he'll move on. He'll find someone else, and if he doesn't, he will just continue his terror. Demons like him, must be purged." Y/n glares down at him. "Really? Then allow me to purge you from this world, demon." She says before sinking her claws in his sides and slowly moving them down.

"But first, I'll make you suffer." Colin smirks. "Don't forget who you're talking to." Colin kicked her directly in her broken ribs, she yelps, and looses her grip on him. Colin took the chance to throw her off. He grabs her shoulder and bites down, very close to her neck. Y/n tried to pull away, but the more she struggles, the more his teeth sink in, and the more blood poured. Colin's laughter was muffled, but it filled Y/n's ears none the less. She couldn't get free from his grasp, it only made it worse when she tried, this was it. He was really going to kill her this time.

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