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Y/n awoke to find herself still in Marshall's bed. Only, Marshall wasn't there next to her like he was last night, but his shirt was. She picked up the flannel and examined it closely. It was, soft. His scent was all over it, yet it was so comforting despite what's she'd said in the past. It was the most comfort she had in a while. She had never in her life thought that she would ever find herself in a vampire's home, let alone being friends with them. She slowly opened her eyes, and thought for a moment. She had friends, friends outside of her pack, people that weren't just her friends because she was the daughter of an alpha.

They really do care about her, and she cares about them. Maybe that's why she did what she did. She clenched his shirt tighter and smiled. "You having fun there?" She shot up straight to see Marshall leaning in his bathroom doorway. Only wearing a pair of sweatpants. Y/n couldn't help but study his body, he wasn't overly built, but he wasn't scrawny either. He had just the right amount of muscle. Marshall noticed and started smirking devilishly. "Enjoying the view? Bet not as much as my shirt."

Y/n quickly lets go if his flannel and crosses her arms. "I'm not enjoying either. Put it back on please." She turns her head trying to hide the blush that was starting to spread over her cheeks. Marshall chuckles and walks over to the bed to pick up his shirt. "I got up before you did and I didn't want to wake you up, so I decided to take a shower. I forgot I left my shirt out here." He puts it back on before messing with his semi wet hair.

Y/n only nods before stretching out her arms while yawning. She moves her tail in front of her to smooth it out, all the while, Marshall was watching her. Y/n noticed him, she blinks a few times before finally speaking. "W-what?" She says awkwardly. "Puppy, do you miss your wolf pack?" Marshall asks out of nowhere. "...Yes. But, they don't want me there. There's nothing I can do about that." She looks down at her tail. Marshall floats over and sits next to her. "It's kinda messed up that they would just cast you aside like that. Did no one try to stick up for you?"

"My father tried, but he doesn't have much say now that he isn't alpha. No one can go against the alpha's word." Marshall scoffs. "I would be out of that pack the second I was brought into it if that's the case." Y/n chuckles. "As if they would let a vampire in a werewolf pack. And way to insult my species culture." She punches his arm lightly. "What? I'm a little rebel boy." Marshall shrugs. "I don't play by no ones rules." He smirks. "Wish I could be that care free." Y/n sighs. "I stress about every little thing."

"Why don't you? You're free from those wolves now. Just chill." Marshall says flatly. "Yes, but it's in my blood to be concerned for my fellow wolves." Marshall looks over at her. "They didn't seem to concerned for you when you got kicked out. Especially that leader of yours." Marshall felt a deep rage from inside of him after thinking about Y/n's injuries, all because of her alpha. "How's your wounds doing?" He asks. "Still sore, but I'm use to it. I did grow up in the woods my whole life."

"What time is it anyway?" Y/n asks. "About noon." Marshall answers. "Noon? I slept that long?" Y/n looked at him unbelieved. "Is that a problem? You just slept in that's all." Y/n slicks back the hair in her face, that was admittedly tangled and messy. "I guess I haven't been getting a lot of sleep lately. But I should really be heading off." She says while hopping out of his bed. "So soon?" Marshall asks. "I mean, I've overstayed my welcome. I only was suppose to stay here for tonight. Fiona and Cake are probably wondering where I am."

Marshall hums. "Well, I hope I'll get to see you again soon. Because tonight I'm preforming at the graveyard." Y/n gives him a strange look. "It's a concert. All the best underground bands are there. And by underground, I mean the undead." He laughs evilly. "What's a concert?" Y/n asks. "It's a thing where all sorts of musicians preform for dozens of fans. I think you'd like it. So be there, kay?" Y/n gave it a thought but agreed to come. "Alright. I'll be there."

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