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Regardless of Y/n's constant demanding for Marshall to leave her in peace, he kept following her out of pure boredom. And his constant questioning didn't make her mood any better. "Sooo, just how long do you werewolves live for?" He asks. Just to shut him up, even it were a few seconds, she answers: "Around 20 thousand years. The oldest werewolf lived to be once 23 thousand." Marshall humans before asking another question. "How old are you?" Y/n sighs. "1 thousand." She says.

"Huh, well look at that. We have one thing in common." He says, referring to his own age. "Let's keep it that way." Y/n says sassily. "So you werewolves aren't immortal like us vamps huh? It's not as cool as you think it would be. Everything repeats itself you know?" He shrugs. "Can't say I've lived that long to experience that. But I'll take your word for it." Y/n replies, in a less than sympathetic way.

There was another brief silence before Marshall asked another question. "Is it true that silver hurts and or kills you?" Y/n's ears lower and her tail bristles out. "Will you stop asking so many questions!? Why are you so fascinated with my life anyway!?" She snarls. "Oh I'm not fascinated with your life or you in the slightest." Marshall smirks. "I'm just bored and you're the only one that's around to bother. Now answer the question."

"Ugh! Yes!" She caves. "If I get anywhere near it, it won't hurt me physically, it just freaks me the hell out! And of course if I get shot with it, vital area or not, I will die! Does that answer your damn question!?" Marshall gives her a satisfied smile and a thumbs up. "Tell you what, how about you ask me a few questions to make it even?" Y/n thought about it for a moment before asking.

"What drove you to take out your entire race?" Marshall took a deciding before finally answering. "They hurt the people I loved." He began. "Then when I found some people who actually cared about me despite the way I am, I had to protect them. Who knew that while fighting the thing I hate most, I would become one of them." He moves his hand to his bite mark on his neck.

"You...you loved someone?" Y/n asked, a little surprised. "Yeah, despite my cold dead heart, I had love ones. But they're long gone now." He moves his hand from his neck and look up at the starry sky. "I hope they still remember me, even if they're not with me anymore." Y/n's chest clenched, she couldn't help but feel sorry for the vampire. Maybe, he wasn't as bad as she thought he was. "I'm sorry." She says softly.

Marshall glances at her surprised. "Uh, it's cool. It happens, I'm use to it." He was clearly lying, but he tried to put on a chill demeanor. Y/m tried to think of something to cheer him up, but what could she say? Sorry that all your loved ones are dead? Sorry that you live forever and they can't? So all she did was put her hand on his shoulder awkwardly. This action made Marshall look at her very confused. "Uhhh...Whaaat are you doing?"

Y/n quickly moved her hand. "Sorry, I don't know how to console other normally. And you don't want to know the wolf's way." She mutters the last bit. "Oh? What's the wolf way?" Marshall raises an eyebrow. "It involves a lot of nuzzling and tension relief." Marshall smirks at her devilishly. Y/n soon realized how that sounded and her face turned bright red. "Not like that!!!" She growls before trying to take a swing at him. Marshall laughs and moves out of the way. "Wow puppy, I know you're trying to cheer me up, but we barely know each other!"

"Shut up!! That is not what I meant!!" Her tail was pretty much fluffed out as far as it could be. "I meant, was we take our anger and stress out by means of hunting or sparing! You know, relieving tension!" Marshall calmed down a bit. "Hehe, sure puppy, sure."

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