Chapter 3

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Y/n ran out into a flowery meadow and turned back into her humanoid form and quickly put her clothes back on. "Hopefully this meadow will be a good enough cover up for the smell." She says to herself before closing her eyes and laying back in the flower bed. She let the fragrance of the flowers invade her scenes, it relaxed her greatly. It made her less stressed, but it couldn't die down the looming thoughts in the back of her head.

Thoughts of her eventually becoming an alpha, of the weight of her responsibilities, and of course him. Marshall has found his way in her head, he wasn't the cold blooded monster she thought she was. And what does that say for the rest of his kind, what if there were some vampires that were like him? After speaking with him, her view on things had changed.

Even after being around Fiona and Cake, they aren't half as annoying as she thought they were. Maybe, she needed more outside contact. Contact with others than her own pack members. Maybe then, she would finally have a real friend. She sighs and opens her eyes, only to be met with the last person she wanted to see. "Ah!" She jumps up and growls at said person. It was another werewolf, someone in her pack. "Colin." She mutters. "Where you watching me?"

Colin rolls his eyes. "No. I wasn't. Why were you away from the pack?" Y/n furrows her brows. "I can be away from the pack if I want to be!" She says sternly. "Yes, only because your father is the alpha. And he lets you do whatever you want." He places a hand on his hip. "If I were alpha, I'd keep my wolves in tact. No one leaves without an ok, it's the only way to make sure everyone is still present. And you know, not missing or dead." Y/n rolls her eye and starts to walk off. "You're just paranoid."

"And my father does not let me do whatever I want!" She glares back at him. "I don't need you to constantly keep tabs on me Colin. Now stay in your own damn lane." Colin hurries in front of her. "I'd watch that mouth of yours if I were you. Don't forget, you're have competition for position of alpha." Y/n was about to retaliate before he speaks again. "Just because your father had plans for you to become alpha after him, doesn't mean I won't challenge you, or him."

"Then you come and get it." Y/n growls lowly. She pushed past him to storm off, but she was once again stopped. "Your scent is different." Y/n could just sense his snarky smirk. "Have you been hanging around someone?" He walks up behind her, he was trying to get a better sniff at her. "Who was it? Hm?" Y/n turns and kicks him dead square in the chest, sending him flying back.

He lands the ground roughly, before he could get up Y/n rushed over and steps on his chest, keeping him down. "You listen to me Colin, so long as I'm here, I will be alpha. And you of all wolves should know, to never disrespect your alpha." She got closer to his face. "If I ever, catch you doing some shit like that again, you will be punished severely." She moves her foot and storms off. Leaving Colin enraged.

Y/n knew one way or another, Colin or some other wolf would challenge her. But she would be ready, she already promised her father and herself that she would be the alpha her pack needs. And no one, will get in the way of that.

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