Chapter 7

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"And so he wants me to come to a concert in some graveyard." Y/n just finished explaining to Fiona and Cake. "Oh! He invited you too? Awesome, we can all go together!" Fiona says excitedly. "Fair warning, they can get a little intense." Cake says. "What do you mean by that?" Asks Y/n. "There usually some riots after or during the concert." Fiona tells her. "Then there's the mosh pit, then there's the fights that randomly break out." She kept on. Y/n ears went flat. "And he thought that I would like that?" She mutters. "That jerk."

"Everyone gets super hyped when Marshall performs too. He's like an idol to them. "No one can top his sound and style they would" say." Cake says while messing with her tail. "But that shouldn't stop you from coming with us!" Fiona says quickly. "It's your first concert right? Who knows, maybe you'll enjoy yourself." Y/n could only nod, she too afraid of her voice cracking to give her away. Y/n was more than use to random fights breaking out, she lived with wolves her whole life for glob's sake. But she wouldn't be dealing with wolves this time, so of course she was nervous.

"Yeah, I'll go." She finally said. "Heck yeah! Alright, let's find you some clothes!" Fiona dragged her up to her and Cake's shared room. "What? Why? What's wrong with my clothes?" Y/n looked down at her clothes, they were made from animal pelts. Everyone in her pack wore clothes like that. "Well, we are going to a rock concert. Might wanna fit in with everyone else there." Fiona heads over to the closest and looks through until she finds what she think Y/n would look best in. "Here try this!" She hands her a black tank top, that was cut off to show her mid drift. Along with a leather jacket with some band name on the back of it, ripped jeans and black ankle boots.

After Y/n got changed, Cake decided to help her with her hair. It had gotten very messy and tangled over the past few days. "Normally that kind of hair style would be appropriate for the crowd we are gonna meet, but if it's one thing I can't stand, it's messy hair." She says before coming out the last tangle. "Wow, you look great!" Fiona smiles widely. "Just like a real punk kid!" Y/n examines herself in the mirror. She looked so much more different than she did before. She wasn't too sure how to feel about it.

If she didn't have the ears and tail, which Fiona had to cut a hole for her tail to come through the jeans, she would look like a normal human. "There's also a few things you should know before you go to the concert." Fiona tells her. "And what's that?" Y/n asked while messing with her combed out hair. "You should stick close to us, first of all. There going to be a lot of people there and you could easily get lost." Cake says. "Then of course, the creepers there. I ran into a few of them a couple of times, but I handle." Fiona smirks while clenching her fist, to signify her beating the living tar out of them.

"And lastly, try not to start any fights of your own. There are going to be some undead people there and, I don't think you'd like being a zombie werewolf...but that does sound pretty epic." Fiona trails off, Cake rolls her eyes and turns back to Y/n. "Just stick with us and you'll be fine."

Before they knew it, it was nearly time for the concert. Cake had grown into a giant cat, so she could give Fiona and Y/n a ride to it. Y/n ears could pick up the faint sound of the crowd and the subtle bumps of music. "That's the concert?" Y/n speaks up. "Yep. It's gonna be sooooo epic." Fiona says excitedly. As the three grew closer and closer, the music and crowd got louder and louder. Until finally they were on the edge of the concert itself. "You two ready?" Cake asks as she shrinks down slowly. "Yeah!" Fiona pumps her fist in the air, Y/n nods.

They all walk into the concert, and like Fiona and Cake said, there were tons of people crowding each other. "Looks like we're a little late." Cake says as one of the bands had just finished up, they walked off of the stage so the next preformed could have a go.

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