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It was like a routine. The same wolf would stalk the vampire's home every night for hours. He's always wonder what that wolf's problem was, it's not like he was afraid of it. He could kill that wolf easily if he wanted to. But because it didn't bother him outside from being creepy, he didn't mind it too much. But tonight was different, the wolf got closer to the vampire's home, this bothered him. The wolf never got so close before, was tonight the night they finally decided to pick a fight?

Well, if it's a fight it wants, its's a fight it gets.

The wolf entered the cave and growled lowly, the vampire groans and walks out of his home and cracked his neck, getting ready to throw down.

"Alright mutt. What do you want?" He puts his left hand on his hip. "You wanna fight do ya?" His eyes started to glow red. The wolf didn't falter, it stood it's ground and lashes it's tail side to side, baring it's teeth in attempts to intimidate the vampire. But he didn't cower, he just shrugs and sprouts his bat wings then rushes the wolf. The wolf dodges quickly and runs after the still flying vampire. He dashes down pins down the wolf and hisses in it's face, the wolf snarls in turn. The vampire laughs wickedly before showing off his fangs, before he could do any further damage, the wolf started to grow larger.

The wolf took on a more of a beastly form, or most known as a werewolf form. The now werewolf grabbed the vampire's arms, it's claws digging deeply into his, then throws him towards the nearest wall. The vampire hits the wall roughly, he groans as he slowly gets back up. Luckily for him, his wounds regenerated, but not his shirt sleeves. He hisses as he looks at his favorite torn flannel. "You're gonna pay for that, dog." The werewolf could hear the vampire's body snap and crack as he grew into a large bat. Before the werewolf could act, the vampire grabbed the werewolf like a doll and squeezed tightly.

The werewolf's growls slowly turned into pained whimpers as the vampire's grip got tighter. Soon the werewolf lost consciousness, much to the vampire's delight. Though, his delight would soon turn into confusion, as the werewolf's body went from beast to...human? A young woman with dog like ears and a tail, was limp in his claws. "What the...?" The vampire transformed back into his normal self, and laid the woman down. "So this is what you look like dog." The woman didn't respond, was she dead? He leans down to her slightly opened mouth and listened closely. Her breathing was faint, but she was breathing none the less. He started to pull back before she jerks forwards and bites down on the vampire's ear.

"Augh!" He hissed and pins her head down with his hand. The woman growls and tries clawing at him. "What is your deal lady!?" He growls back. "Take your filthy hands off of me!" She grips his arm tightly, drawing blood. "Not until you tell me why you were stalking me!" The woman glares at him. "I don't have to explain myself to you, you blood sucking demon." The vampire rolls his eyes at her insult. "You're only making this harder on yourself lady. Just tell me why you keep coming to my house every night." The woman's eyes broke away from his, and leads to the setting moon. It was no good to try to transform now, her energy was completely drained after being squeezed like that. She sighs let's go of his arms, letting them lay limp at her sides. "I was making sure..." She muttered. The vampire cocks his head, clearly confused by what she meant. "Making sure, for what?"

She glares at him again a low growl emulates from her chest before she knees him on the gut as hard as she could, knocking the wind from him. The vampire's hold on her became weak, the woman slips away from him taking the opportunity to escape while she could.

The vampire watches her as she runs back into the woods. "Damn mutt." He hisses before returning to his own home.

Cold Blooded |Marshall Lee x Werewolf! Reader| Where stories live. Discover now