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"They want us to make up if that's what you're wondering." Y/n speaks up. Marshall didn't respond to her, he didn't even look at her. "Ok, I guess I'll start." Y/n mutters. "I'm sorry I told you to go away. I had, some problems with my pack." Y/n looks down at her knees. Marshall finally looks back at her, and noticed the bandages on her. "So what happened to you?"

"I was challenged for alpha." She shrugs. "I lost..." Marshall hums before sitting crossed leg in mid air. "Look, the whole reason I told you to leave is because, my pack would have killed you and Fiona and Cake." She explains. "Psh, I'd kill ever last one of those mutts." Y/n glares at him. "Those mutts are my family!" She growls lowly. "And they're stronger than you think, we are nothing like normal wolves! We've taken down a few vampires too you know?"

"Well I'm nothing like normal vampires, I stole abilities from the strongest vampires out there, even the queen's. So believe me when I say, I can handle myself. I don't need your and anyone's protection." He crosses his arms. "Oh well, forgive me for trying to look after my friends!" Y/n's felt tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. "I actually care about you and Fiona and Cake believe it or not you jerk!"

"But it doesn't even matter now, I was thrown out." She wipes her eyes. Marshall floats back down to the ground and stays quite for a moment. "Sounds like their not that great of a family then." He says leaning back on the door. "They would just kick you out like that? Sounds pretty cruel." Y/n shakes her head. "The alpha has all the right to kick out whoever they see fit. Apparently, I was becoming a rouge, and I would be their downfall if I stayed."

Marshall raised an eyebrow. "Really? What did you do?" He asks. Y/n holds her arms tightly. "I forced to loose the battle, and if I disobeyed my alpha's orders, then he was going to send wolves after you guys. And I eventually had it, and fought back. That got me even more wounds and then got me exiled." She continues. "He hasn't sent anyone after you though, which confuses me. He must be up to something."

"Hm. Guess I'm sorry too." Marshall says. "I lost my cool there admittedly." He slicks his hair back out of his face. "So thanks for telling me or whatever." Y/n rolls her eyes at his half backed apology, but felt a heavy weight be lifted off her shoulders. "Um, so how are you doing after all that?" Marshall asks. "Well, I lost my home and family. So just as well as you'd think." Marshall got up and sat next to her.

"Fiona and Cake offered me to live with them. I'm only staying for a few days, I'm going to take my pack back somehow." She says determinedly. "How do you plan on doing that?" Marshall asks. "I don't know, but I don't trust Colin." Marshall raises an eyebrow. "He's the one who forced me to loose." Marshall nods. "Sounds like a punk ass to me." He says making Y/n chuckle. "Oh he is. But, maybe I need to face facts. I try to be a strong wolf, but he's capable. Paranoid, but capable."

"And a jackass." Marshall adds. They both laugh at that remark. "If you want, I can kill him for you." Marshall offers. Y/n smiles but shakes her head. "No, it will only make things worse, besides how would you even get away with it." Marshall smirks. "I can make it look like a bloody accident, trust me." Y/n exhales softly. "I have no idea why you care about it so much Marshall. You and both Fiona and Cake. I'm only putting more problems out there for you guys."

"That's simple." He answers. "We look out for our friends. If someone I cared about was going through something like this, of course I would help them." Y/n blinks a few times. "Wow, that was really sweet Marshall." Y/n smiles softly.

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