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Alleris stood in the way of Colin, who wasn't too pleased by his betrayal. "You are aware you're letting a demon spawn go, right?" He growls. "That demon spawn, is dear to my daughter. And I'd be damned, if I let you hurt her more than you have already." Alleris flexed his claws. Colin glares him down, before signaling his remaining wolves to follow Y/n. They all ran past Alleris, snapping and growling at him as they passed. "So you think you can take me on old man? Fine, let's settle this."

His wolves gave chase to Y/n, slowly closing in on her. She glances back and holds Marshall closer to him, her larger werewolf form blocked him from the sun. She wasn't going to let anything else happen to Marshall, so she quickly whipped around and decked the closest wolf in the face, sending them flying back. She turned back around, to see Fiona and Cake's tree house. She sped up as fast as she could go, managing to get some distance between herself and the wolves. Y/n saw Fiona exiting the tree house, she calls out for her.

"Fiona!!!" The blonde turned to see not only her, but a group of wolves following her. "Huh!?" She steps back a bit. "Get inside!!!" Fiona didn't have time to question her before Y/n tackled her inside. Y/n quickly got up and blocked the door shut with her body. Banging and scratching could be heard from the other side. "Y/n, what's going on!?" Fiona asks. "What happened to Marshall!?" She looks down at Marshall's still recovering body, he had healed up mostly, but was still exhausted. "Let's just say, my old friends aren't too happy to know me and Marshall are mates." Fiona was about to question her further, but was cut off by one of the werewolves claws bursts through the door, next to Y/n head.

"Holy cow!!" Fiona jumps back. "Take Marshall and hide him somewhere for me!" Y/n tells her while holding Marshall out, Fiona takes hold of him. "What about you? You look beat up too!" Y/n's body jerked forwards as another wolf banged against the door. "Just hide him and stay put!" She growls before kicking the door down, and launching herself at the nearest one. "Y/n! Where's the vampire!?" Another growls. "I bet he's hidden in that tree." Said another. "You stay away!" Y/n snarls at them. "Or what?" One challenged. "Or you're going to have to deal with me!" Fiona ran out with her sword in hand, Cake not far behind.

"I thought I told you to stay put! Where's Marshall?" Fiona kicked one of the werewolves in the face. "Don't worry, we hid him somewhere safe!" Cake said as she knocked two werewolf heads together. "Cake!" Fiona called. "Wrapped them all together! I have an idea!" Cake nods and grew her hands to grab each werewolf. They squirmed, trying to bite and claw at her. Fiona quickly ran over and jumped up, then knocked each one out. Cake let go, and they all fell to the ground unconscious.

"Just how strong are you?" Y/n mutters. "Stronger than I look." Fiona smiles. "Now tell me why these guys were after you?" Y/n exhales shakily. "My old pack found out about Marshall. And now they want to kill him and me, for hiding him." Y/n explains. "Now, I need you to stay here and protect Marshall. I'm serious, I need to go back and help my father." Y/n turned into a wolf. "Are you sure? What if you need backup?" Fiona asks. "Fiona, if more werewolves come here, you're going to have to protect Marshall. I won't be able to fight Colin and stop them. Please."

Fiona hesitates, but she agrees anyway. "Alright. But you better come back alive!" She says sternly. "That's right! Don't do anything crazy." Cake tells her. Y/n nods and runs off as quickly as possible to help her father.

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