2- New Lunch Guest

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My family and I sat at our grand dining room table. It was fit for way more people, but it was only us four. It was super helpful when we had guests over, but until then, we'd all sit on one end of the table. My father sat at the head, my mother and I on one side, and Justin on the other.

Usually, Justin and I kick each other under the table or make faces, much to our parent's oblivion.

"So, tell me how school was," my mom instructed, cutting into her chicken. Justin beat me to the punch but kept his responses short. He talked about how he had a friend on the bus and how boring his classes were. He really enjoyed the freedom he didn't get in middle school though.

I went on a whole tangent, keeping my family amused. I told them every important detail, from the hot English teacher, to my classes, and even about lunch. Even Dean's name spilled out of my lips as I told them how anxious I was about my grade. 

The one person I completely left out from the story was Andrew. I told my parents practically everything. It was super important to have their trust so I wouldn't have to disappoint them in life. They were practically my best friends. 

But they had no idea I had a major crush on the boy next door, the one who barely knew I existed. I couldn't bring myself to tell them. The teasing would be non-stop and I'd have to deal with them eyeing my every move when he was near.

Yeah, no thanks.

So, all they knew about him was that he was on the football team and friends with Dylan.

"I think I want to try a sport," Justin mumbled, drawing the attention back to him. 

I immediately covered the laughs spilling out of my mouth. "You? A sport?" He stuck his tongue out at me and casually shrugged.

"Ary," my dad gave me a disapproving look. "I think it's great, sport. You should test the waters, see what you'd like." Justin's eyes lit up, thrilled about the idea. "Anything you're thinking of specifically?"

He explained he was thinking about football, considering the season was coming up. Freshmen rarely played in the first games because they need all the training they could get.

My mom cheerily clapped. "Ooh! I'm sure Andrew would love to help you out! You should go next door and ask him!" Justin groaned and I enthusiastically nodded, agreeing with the idea. In fact, I even volunteered to go with him to ask.

For personal reasons, obviously.

"Dylan could help too!" I chimed in. My family mumbled their agreement and even Justin didn't seem as nervous anymore. 

After we were all done with our meals, I threw on a pair of shoes and met Justin by the front door. He awkwardly shifted from foot to foot, seeming nervous again. I grabbed his arm and nearly dragged him to the Boyce residence. 

I rang the doorbell and had a wide smile plastered on my face. He looked less than enthusiastic and I smacked his arm. He looked miserable and Andrew would find that so weird.

A petite lady opened the door, her features matching Andrew's exactly. "Bella! Justin! How are you guys?"

"Good, thank you," I replied politely. Part of me was disappointed that Andrew wasn't the one who opened the door. "We were wondering if Andrew was home?"

She flashed us an apologetic smile and told us her son was still at practice. I furrowed my brows but quickly masked my confusion. We both thanked her and left their grand mansion behind. 

According to Dylan, practice had ended at six. It was now nearing eight. Either Andrew was practicing extra hard, or he was lying to his mom. Either way, it was none of my business.

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