52- The B-Word

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"Happy Birthday to you," a sweet voice sang, pulling me out of my dream. Instead of sitting up like a normal person, I pulled my covers over my head and mumbled some harsh words.

Someone drew back the curtains and yellow from the sunrise flooded into my room. I could even see the light behind my closed eyelids, which meant it was bright. Way too bright. My eyes squeezed tighter.

"Happy birthday dear Ary, happy birthday to you," my mom finished. I groaned and pulled the covers down to reveal three figures standing at the foot of my bed. After my eyes adjusted to the sunlight, I saw my family. My dad was holding a vanilla cupcake with a single candle in it

Even in my grumpy state, I couldn't find myself to be irritated. A grin broke out on my face and they took it as a sign that I was unarmed. My dad sat on the bed so I could blow out the candles.

I closed my eyes and thought of a wish.

Then I opened them and looked at the sight in front of me. My dad had a pure look of joy on his face. My mom looked proud and I could only hope it was directed toward me. Even Justin was here. Though he looked annoyed that he had to wake up extra early, I could tell he loved me.

I didn't need anything else in my life.

So I blew out the candle without making a wish.

My dad handed the plate to my mom, who put it on my bedside table. It was way too early to eat that.

"Happy birthday kiddo," my dad whispered and pulled me into a hug. Tears were brimming his eyes.

"Bill, are you crying?" my mom asked in disbelief. My dad rarely cried, but he definitely got emotional a lot.

He pulled away and looked to his wife. "Excuse me for being sad! My little baby is growing up!"

I could have predicted those words. He did the same thing every year. We had our routine down pat by now.

I placed a hand on top of his. "Daddy, I'll always be your little girl."

He cooed and pulled me in for another hug. My mom and Justin exchanged glances, knowing we did this every year. At this point, it was just overdramatic.

"Okay, Justin get ready for school. Bill, let the poor girl breathe," my mom ordered. Justin nodded and left the room quickly. My dad let go of me and got off the bed. He took the cupcake as he left the room, leaving me and my mom alone.

She sat down on the bed. "Happy birthday sweetie," she smiled, giving me a quick hug.

"Thanks, mom," I replied, taking in a big sniff of her vanilla perfume. Unlike the others, she was dressed for the day.

"Now, there's no big birthday breakfast because I wanted you to sleep in. You've been so tired these past few days," she pointed out, cupping my cheek. I leaned into her hand. "We'll do that this weekend, okay?"

"Sounds good," I grinned. "Oh, by the way, I won't be here after school. I have to meet up with a friend for a project."

She gave me a disapproving look. I knew birthdays were important in this household but I really didn't want to make it a big deal. I never did.

"Mom, please," I groaned. She sighed in defeat and nodded. I squealed out of excitement and gave her another hug before ushering her out. I had less time to get ready for school today.

I wasn't that excited to meet with Leah and finish this project. I was excited because for once, I could escape the torturous day that was my birthday and not have to deal with the agonizing fake-excitement everyone showed.

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