14- Fight!

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School the next day was weird. I had to deal with Drew, who was acting so weird, while still pretending to date Dean. I had to keep Jaz's secret too.

Walking into English was weirder than weird. Dean and I walked hand in hand as usual. Mr. Cullen definitely made a face. I knew he'd be asking me about my absence after school today.

Jaz made herself painstakingly obvious. She wiggled her brows when we walked in and I tried to subtly tell her to tone it down. She couldn't switch her demeanor that quick. Dean would get suspicious. 

"Alright class, continuing on our Gatsby theme, we're going to talk about love triangles! Can you guys maybe list some examples from TV shows or movies?"

"Damon, Stefan, and Elena from The Vampire Diaries" someone called out.  

"Addison, Derek, and Meredith from Grey's," I said.

"Peeta, Gale, and Katniss."

"Edward, Jacob, and Bella" 

"My mom, my dad, and his secretary," the class clown, Brett, yelled. 

"Okay... good examples. Brett, I'm so sorry," Mr. Cullen said awkwardly. "In all these examples, a lot of people chose a side. In Gatsby, I believe most of you sided with him Gatsby over Tom." The classes mumbled their agreement. "This happens in real life too. They say you can't love two people at the same time. Some think it's the most recent person who is the true love. After all, why would you even consider a second partner if you loved the first with all your heart?"

Jaz's hand shot up. "Mr. Cullen, no disrespect, but what does this have to do with class?"

He chuckled. "It doesn't. I just thought I'd offer some insight. You're all going to fall in love one day. Hopefully, you choose wisely." His gaze locked on me for a brief second. "Next week, we're going to be watching the film in class, so bring snacks or whatever. I don't have any more work assigned for today, so talk amongst yourselves."

I immediately turned to face Jasmine. She looked at me with a mischievous smile. "I heard you had a fun weekend." 

"Oh yeah," I grinned, then lowered my voice so only she could hear. "Drew saw Dean and I together again. I think he's slowly starting to lose it."

She nodded, glancing back at the boy behind us. He was scribbling away, doing his homework for another class. 

"I found out why he went to jail," I smugly smiled. Her eyes widened as she urged me for more details. "Gang stuff."

Her jaw dropped open. "No way."

I nodded. "Yes, way. Don't tell him I told you though." 


"So, Dean, one day at lunch, you casually mentioned you went to jail. You ever gonna tell us the reasons?" Jaz leaned on the table. I elbowed her in the gut. She was making this too obvious. I needed to stop telling her things.

"Jasmine! That's personal!" Emma intercepted. 

He glanced at me and narrowed his eyes, while I gave him the most innocent look I could muster. "Another time," he said, never breaking eye contact with me. 

"Hey Dean, do you play any sports? We're always looking for new members," Will asked from across the table.

He grimaced. "Nah, team building isn't really my thing." I couldn't stop from rolling my eyes. This coming from a dude in a gang - well ex-gang.

"Wrestling is barely a team sport. You should check it out! I think you'd like it." 

"Okay, I will," he responded, solely to end the conversation.

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