17- Homecoming Blues

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Homecoming was coming up. It was already Wednesday. The game was on Friday and the dance was on Saturday.

My nerves were at an all-time high. After Dylan hinted that Drew was planning on asking me, I was on edge. I knew it was wrong to get my hopes up, but I really wanted it to be true. Every time he even came near me, my heart would race in anticipation.

He hadn't asked yet, and I was starting to get a little disappointed. I had even purposefully kept my distance from Dean, just in case that's what was stopping him. I didn't hold his hand in public or encourage other loving acts he'd slip in once in a while. 

We didn't 'break up' officially, but I did a good job implying it would happen soon. I just needed a little push. 

And hopefully Drew would see that.

Dylan was doing an awful job at being my inside man. He wouldn't tell me if Drew mentioned me in conversation. It's no secret Dylan didn't like him. In fact, this hatred was getting stronger with time, which stressed me out. I couldn't let this plan slip through my fingers. 

"Hey Jaz," I whispered to the brunette next to me. She was so engrossed in the movie, she didn't even bat an eyelash. I internally groaned and tried again, with no success. I reached across the aisle, poking her in the side. She swatted my hand away, never taking her eyes off the screen. 

"Are you okay?" Dean whispered on the other side of me. I gave him a thumbs up and faced her again, desperately wanting her attention.

Her hand shot up in the air. "Mr. Cullen, she's bothering me."

My jaw dropped open as he shook his head at me, warning me to stop. I put my head on the desk to hide my annoyance. I heard shuffling from my left, signaling Dean was moving his desk closer to me.

His hot breath brushed on my ear as he whispered again. "Arabella, are you mad at me?"

"No," I mumbled, not sitting up. My answer wasn't enough because his finger stuck out and poked my side. I sat through this, not doing anything. I suddenly realized how Jaz felt only moments ago.

He kept poking me until he realized I wasn't giving up. I heard him sigh and push his desk back to its usual spot. 

I peeped my head up to see he was still sitting in the same spot, a triumphant smile on his face.

"Aha! So you are mad at me!" He whispered sharply. Another student whipped her head around to yell at him, but she softened when she saw it was Dean.

I narrowed my eyes at him and redirected my gaze to the screen. Jaz was so invested in the movie as if we hadn't read the entire book in class. Mr. Cullen gave me a look from the front of the class, and I had no idea what it meant.

From beside me, a soft glow of a cellphone could be seen. Dean was doing something on it, a small smirk on his face. He would occasionally look up to Mr. Cullen, who didn't seem to care. I narrowed my eyes as I watched him. 

He then turned the brightness up, making the phone more obvious in the dark classroom. It almost looked like he wanted to be caught. 

"Dean, put it away," the teacher's voice rang. All the student's heads whipped toward him.

His smirk only grew. "No." 

Mr. Cullen looked surprised. "No?" Dean shook his head and went back on his phone, scrolling through Twitter. Why was he being so... nonchalant? "Okay, then detention."

He seemed unphased, locking his phone and slipping it back into his back pocket. He obviously wanted detention, but why? I glanced up at Mr. Cullen, who had his eyes narrowed to Dean. I was just as confused, if not more.

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