26- And The List Gets Bigger

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"Bella, do you mind staying back? I need to speak to you."

I opened my mouth to protest, but there wasn't much I could do. Instead, I watched the other students pile out of class while I stayed at my desk. Some gave me looks as they passed, knowing I was in trouble. Of course I would be!

"Yes?" I approached my calculus teacher's desk nervously. I had no idea why she was calling me.

Well, I had a slight suspicion. 

"Mrs. Wilks, I've noticed your grades are suffering in my class," she sighed, looking up from her desk. I nervously waited for her to continue. "I know you're a good student, so I'm wondering why."

I awkwardly shifted under her intense gaze. "I don't know. I was doing good in pre-calc. This class is so tough." My feet scuffed the ground as I spoke, feeling incredibly dumb in front of her.

She shook her head in disappointment, making my heart wrench. "You should have come to me earlier. Whatever, we can't reflect on the past," she sighed. "A student has graciously agreed to tutor you in the subject."

I furrowed my brows. "Who?"

"Reece Anderson," she proudly smiled. I wracked my brain for the unfamiliar name. It didn't ring a bell. "He's in my Calc BC class, so he's learned all this material last year," she added.

I slowly nodded. "I don't know if it's really necessary..."

Her smile dropped. "Ms. Wilks, I gave you a long time to improve your grades and you've done nothing. Now, this is in my hands. I don't want you to fail."

After hearing her stern tone, I agreed. I truly did need a tutor, and she was only trying to help me. 

"Great, he'll meet you at the library after school today," she smiled at my compliance. She rummaged through her desk and pulled out a late pass for my next class. I gratefully took it and headed to chemistry.

As soon as we were dismissed for lunch, I slowly walked. I was no longer in a rush to meet my friends.

The problem was Dean. Ever since that day we skipped, he was acting like a jerk. Not like his usual self though. He was colder, straight-up avoiding me unless we were forced to talk. At lunch, he'd talk to everyone but me. 

It was hurting a little, but I ignored it. I deserved it.

I dramatically huffed and sat down, putting my bag in my lap. My friends expectantly looked at me, waiting for me to explain whatever's putting me in a bad mood.

They knew me so well.

"Do any of you know who Reece Anderson is?" 

Jaz's jaw dropped so low I thought she dislocated it. "Oh my God! Only like the hottest guy at school!"

I gave her a deadpan look. "You say that about every single attractive guy." Ironic honestly.

Emma grinned next to her. "He's very cute. He's a senior and I think he's on the football team?" She looked at Dylan, who nodded in confirmation.

"He is, but he's a weird situation. He only plays as a backup. Doesn't come to many practices." That would explain why he was able to tutor me in the first place instead of spending his time after school on the field. Dylan narrowed his eyes at me. "Why?"

"Because my asshat calculus teacher decided she's going to find a tutor for me," I groaned. Dean tensed next to me and I felt a surge of annoyance. He was the one acting weird, so he had no right to freak out about this. "Why haven't I heard of him before?"

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