60- Finally

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"Okay Bud, I have Nat guarding the door, and your parents in the kitchen, ready to make us as much food as we need to get through everything," I said, leaning back in the booth chair.

Dean narrowed his eyes at me, leaning forward. "At least let me make you a milkshake..."

"Nope," I replied, popping the p. He exasperatedly sighed and slumped down into the couch.

It was the day after Valentine's, so Saturday. We spent most of last night just enjoying each other's kisses – I mean company.

No, I meant kisses.

When my parents came home, we snuck into my bedroom so they wouldn't see. Relax, we kept it PG...13.

But now was the day to get the whole truth from Dean. The only way this relationship was going to work was if he spilled the beans. He'd hidden away from the truth for too long. Now, by doing this, he was proving that he really loved me.

We were currently at Mel's. I decided to take him back to home base. This was his territory, so obviously he'd feel safe. I needed to give him a false sense of security so he'd actually come. When we arrived, he was ambushed by Natalie, whom I explained the plan to earlier.

Well, not exactly. I just let her know I needed to have a very important talk with Dean, one that he was avoiding. She didn't question it at all. In fact, she had a creepy sadistic smile on her face.

"So, let's start from the beginning."

He groaned, dragging his hands over his face. He gave me one last pleading look, but when he was met with my glare, he spoke. "All the things I told you about joining were true. I got messed up with some bad people. It was totally my fault. Would you believe me if I said that it was against my will?" I shook my head. He sighed before continuing. "Well, you're getting smarter. It wasn't. Hell, I enjoyed every second of torture I did."

I watched as his eyes darkened and fists clenched. I didn't enjoy the satisfaction that was shining on his face, as if he was reminiscing about 'the good old days.'

He snapped out of it and continued the story, but his eyes remained distant. "Well, I earned my way up to the top. It wasn't easy, considering I was a kid compared to them. Hell, I fought my way up to the top." His hands were now gripping the edge of the table, making his knuckles turn white. "Eventually, I proved my way to the top. Before I knew it, the old leader was killed in a shootout and I was being named as the leader."

I noticeably gulped and looked down at his hands. "If you enjoyed it so much, why'd you leave?" I meekly asked.

His brows furrowed, but quickly softened as he saw my face. He could probably read my wary expression from miles away. "My family was more important to me. It wasn't a big deal, but one of the members from another gang said some stuff." He gritted his teeth. I opened my mouth to reassure him that he didn't have to tell me, but he did anyway. "They threatened to do stuff to Nat. It was all talk but..." His gaze tore away from mine and he shamefully looked down.

My brows raised as I glanced over to his sister. She was chatting with an elderly couple, laughing as they told her a story. It made me sick to think someone would even think to hurt her.

Without lifting his gaze, he continued. "That's when I realized how fucked up this all was. They wanted to hurt an innocent person because she was related to me. Then I thought about all the innocent people we've... I've hurt. Sure, in my mind they deserved it, but did they? Anger can justify anything. I realized it wasn't right to have this much power. I confessed everything to my parents and they helped me get out of this mess. It was hard and we had to move states, but it was worth it."

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