40- Our Child Is Being Put Up For Adoption

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Unedited so please point out typos if you find any!

"Hey, so what is really going on between you and Dean?" Reece casually asked while checking my work. He gave me a quick glance but refocused on the paper.

"Nothing, why?" I tried to come off as innocent but I wasn't sure if it was working. Underneath the clothes, I was sweating like a pig.

He leaned in closer, as if telling a secret. I furrowed my brows as his hot breath hit my ear. "He's been lingering in the library for our past few sessions." My eyes snapped up and scanned the room for his presence, but I didn't see him.

"Maybe he likes eating lunch in the library," I stated, but it sounded more like a question. Reece scoffed, obviously not believing me. "Look, I don't know what's going on with him but our relationship ended ugly and if I wasn't raising a fake baby with him, I'd probably never talk to him."

He leaned back in his chair, setting the paper on the desk. "What happened?"

"Didn't you hear the rumors?" I scoffed, wanting to as vague as possible. He frowned but didn't question more.

It really made me wonder what rumors were circulating around.

He apologized and it looked like he was believing my act. We strictly focused on Calculus for the rest of lunch, stopping only when the bell rang.

I thanked him and watched as he left the library, waiting to keep distance between us.

As soon as I walked out, Dean was leaning against the wall with a smirk. I sped over and smacked his arm, wiping the amusement off his face.

"Stupid, could you be any more obvious?" I hissed, starting the route to Home Ec.

He rubbed his arm and walked next to me. "What did I do?"

"Reece knows you're stalking me," I replied, giving him a pointed look. He sheepishly smiled and opened his mouth, but we walked into the classroom before he could speak.

He paused outside the door, pulling Terminator out of his backpack. I gave him a disapproving look, even though I did the same thing, before walking in. Mrs. Wilson smiled at us... if that's what you could even call that. Her natural smile looked more like a grimace to me.

Okay, maybe I was still bitter about that one time she gave me detention for no reason. It was months ago, but it still sucked.

Then again, it was also partly Dean's fault.

As we took our seats, she had a somber look on her face. Dean and I exchanged confused looks before looking around the classroom as if we'd find the cause of her mood.

Doing so resulted in me meeting eyes with Drew. He was still giving me the same puppy dog look and I was getting sick of it. However, when we made eye contact, he quickly looked away. Chicken.

The tardy bell rang and the class finally settled in. She stood in front of the class with a depressed face, I swear someone died.

"Hello class," she got everyone's attention, not even faking enthusiasm.

This was serious.

"As you all know, a lot of teachers are not happy with you guys carrying around your baby simulators. Apparently, the crying is causing a disturbance, even though it's realistic," she bitterly mumbled. "Well, they complained to the principal. We're no longer permitted to continue with the project."

There was a mix of groans and cheers. I was happy though because this baby was starting to get on my nerves. No, it was already on my nerves and I was a second away from chucking it into my pool.

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