35- Brain Cells

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"I cannot believe you were so stupid," I scolded, shoving a mouthful of Chinese in my mouth. The Kung Pao was delicious. The spicy flakes burned my mouth as I chewed and I wiped my runny nose on the back of my hand.

Real classy, I know.

"Shut up," Dylan mumbled, embarrassed.

We were all sitting in the kitchen. Not at the dinner table, but rather the kitchen island. It felt more casual this way. It was right after the football game and we were having our long-anticipated sleepover.

"She's right, you're such an idiot," Jaz smacked him on the arm, stealing some food out of his box. He moved it out of her reach, but she grinned and chewed the orange chicken she caught of her fork.

I shook my head at the both of them, finishing up my noodles. "Dylan, are you sure you don't want to go to that party? I mean... it's totally okay," I sighed. He was skipping out on the after-party tonight just for us.

"No," Jaz said before he could answer. "He can go to the next one."

He didn't object, even though I knew a tiny tiny tiny part of him wanted to leave. Then again, what were friends for? He could suck it up for one night.

"So," she continued, her voice laced with a newfound interest, "do you have any idea why Drew's been giving the puppy eyes to our innocent Ary here?" He sheepishly looked down, avoiding our gaze. We both gasped and she hit him on the arm. "Tell us!"

His helpless eyes met mine and I could tell he really didn't want to tell me. Still, he blurted out the words that sent me in a small shock. "He's sorry."

I looked at him in surprise, but Jaz processed it quickly. "Look, if he's truly sorry, he can bring his sorry ass here and apologize in person."

"He's sorry?" I echoed quietly, looking at him in disbelief.

He warily nodded. "He's... he told me he's looking for the right time to get you alone. I don't know Bells, I don't really trust him."

"Me either," Jaz agreed.

"You don't think I know that?" I snapped, a little harsher than I intended. Their hurt faces only proved it. Guilt enclouded me immediately. "Look, I'm sorry. I just want to find out why," I sighed, running my fingers through my hair.

"You and your curiosity... it's not always a good thing," Dylan sighed, all hurt leaving his face. "It's your life and I'm not one to stop you, but I'd rather be behind you if you do speak to him." 

I appreciatively nodded toward him and changed the topic before it could drag on. "So, what do you guys want to do?"

"Raid your parent's alcohol stash?" Jaz suggested, raising her brows. I shrugged and she grinned, hopping off the barstool.

The three of us headed over to the wine cellar. The door was in front of us, but I was a little scared to open it. Dylan rolled his eyes and swung it open, revealing a very dark staircase.

The cellar always gave me chills. I felt like it was our very own Casket of Amantialldo scenario, and I'd end up buried alive in a tomb.

A little bit dramatic, but that place seriously gave me the creeps.

"Come on babies," he huffed, taking lead. I flipped the switch so the small hallway would be illuminated and we wouldn't trip over the stairs.

We walked down the wooden steps, my hand dragging along the wall for support. We finally reached the bottom.

"Don't take the oldest bottle, they'll kill you. Take something that's newer," I warned, looking around at the shelves.

He nodded and looked for the perfect bottle. I trusted his decision and I definitely didn't want to be in here longer than necessary. Plus it's not like we were experts in wine. I probably couldn't tell the difference between a $5 and $500 bottle.

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