5- Tryouts

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Sunday night was rapidly approaching and I had finished nearly all my homework. There was just one assignment left. One stupid assignment. 

I anxiously eyed my backpack then looked away. I could hear my mom calling everyone for lunch.

Great, an excuse to put this off for as long as possible.

I happily skipped out of my room. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Justin leaving too. He was a bundle of nerves. 

Today was football tryouts.

Right after lunch, he was hitching a ride with Andrew and going to Westcreek to tryout with numerous other freshmen, and some late bloomers. 

"Good luck," I said sincerely before running down the stairs 

Lunch was the same as any other Sunday. Neither of my parents worked, so we would all sit and eat together. It was nice and easygoing. 

My parents nonchalantly talked to Justin about tryouts, and how he was feeling. He didn't seem too excited to talk, his lips spread in a thin line.  I decided to ease the conversation off him and put him out of his misery.

"So, there's this boy..." I started. As expected, all eyes were on me. I rarely talked about boys, because none had ever gained my interest. Drew was the only guy for me, and I would rather die than tell them about our next-door neighbor. "Not a good one," I clarified.

My mom stifled a laugh as she dug into her pasta and my dad furrowed his brows, unsure where this conversation was going. 

"Well, he's my partner for Home Ec. He's such a... ugh. Jerk?" I asked, more than stated. "We had this in-class assignment and instead of doing his part, he avoided all forms of work and now we have to finish before class tomorrow." 

"Who's this?" My dad asked, his eyes never leaving my face. As a father, he had the role of being protective when it came to guys. It's the exact reason Dylan wasn't allowed to sleep in the same bed as me, even if we didn't do anything.

"His name is Dean. I'm pretty sure he's new." 

He slowly nodded. "Why don't you finish the assignment today then?"

"That's not the point dad," I groaned. "Why do I have to be stuck with the most annoying partner? I didn't even choose him! He came and sat next to me. And now? He won't leave me alone! He even sits with us at lunch."

My mom was awful at hiding her smile. She looked down, but I could see her shoulders momentarily shaking up and down, showing she was laughing. My dad still didn't understand my feelings. "Oh honey, it's good you let the new kid sit with you." Men.

Justin cleared his throat awkwardly. We all looked at him and his half-eaten pasta. I sympathetically looked at him as he pushed the plate away from his body. My mom mumbled something about him needing to eat, and my dad lightly put his hand on top of hers.

He knew how scary tryouts could be. My dad was the all-star in his high school days. He played football from freshman year to the end, and during the off-season, he played basketball. He was super well-rounded in the sports department. 

I think he's the reason Justin wants to try. He wants to make him proud and I don't blame him. After all, he isn't the favorite child. 

I think that's also why dad took such a liking to Dylan. He was always in our family since we met, but him playing football really solidified their relationship.

"Don't sweat it son. You'll do amazing," my dad patted his back, only adding to his unease. The doorbell rang and I got up, going to answer it.

As expected, Andrew stood on the other side. He had a cute smile, but determined look. He was already in the headspace for tryouts, I'm sure.

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