4- Victory Party

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Unedited. Feel free to correct the mistakes if you find any.

The energy that radiated off the campus was amazing. Coming on campus at night is one thing, but coming for a game? Even better.

Justin hopped out of the car before running to the ticket booth. I trailed behind him with Jaz, knowing he'd buy my ticket with the money dad gave him. Jaz didn't seem in a rush to buy hers yet.

Once that was all settled, Justin immediately left us for his friends, just as I had assumed. Jaz and I found our group at the very front of the bleachers. It was a tight squeeze, but we all managed to fit. It would have been comfier if Justin hasn't spent an extra 10 minutes making us late.

The band kids lined the field, their instruments readying to be played. An announcement was made on the speaker and we all rose for the national anthem. After we were all seated, a loud cheer erupted as the cheerleaders strutted on to the field. 

They all looked so confident with themselves. I didn't have anything against them. In fact, I admired them. Sure, some weren't the nicest people, but that could be anyone. They held themselves to certain esteem, and they had this energy... something I wish I had.

The girls began their routine, their red and white uniforms bouncing. They did some type of bend and snap, showing their asses to the world. I glanced at Will, the only boy among us. A slight smile played on his lips and I rolled my eyes. 

The band played behind them as they chanted. The announcer finally introduced the Westcreek Wildcats, sending the crowd into a bigger frenzy than the one the cheerleaders caused. I couldn't hear the other team's name over the screams, and part of me believed it was done intentionally.

Our team ran out in their red jerseys. My breath caught in my throat as Andrew led the boys, looking confident as ever. I grinned, taking part in his happiness.

Dylan was close behind him and the four of us waved to him. He smiled but quickly changed to looking focused. The first game of the season was important, it tested the waters for the rest of the season. If we did well, then morale would be high. 

The whistle blew and the game began. I spent most of the time focusing on a particular jersey.

Andrew looked different when he played. His face was pure focus, nothing more. He had a certain aggression to him when he tackled other players or ran with the ball. He was the definition of having his head in the game. 

His muscles flexed every time he caught the football. I swear me and half the student body were drooling. 

Even with a helmet on, I could see his icy blue eyes from a mile away. They shone with such admiration for the game, such passion.

I held back a sigh as he took a break, downing the water from his water bottle. The game resumed quickly after and our team played their heart out.

It was obvious we were gonna win. When the final buzzer rang, the score was 7-0. The entire bleacher section roared as the team celebrated. With all the chaos, I lost track of Drew. Dylan hopped the barrier between the field and bleacher and ran toward us. I instinctively ran toward him, nearly crashing into his arms.

His chuckle could be heard as he hugged me back. Then, each of our friends hugged and congratulated him. Over his shoulder, I found where Drew had disappeared to. He ran straight into Taylor's, the head cheerleader, arms. I pushed back the hurt in my gut and focused on my best friend.

He was practically beaming with excitement. We all were. Even though I didn't understand football, the energy surrounding a win was indescribable. The whole school was unified as we cheered for our red Wildcats. 

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