41- Just Take Off Your Damn Shirt

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The weekend was finally here and I couldn't be more ready.

I also may have done something stupid.

I invited Reece over to eat dinner with my family.

Told you it was stupid.

It was all part of a plan though, believe it or not. If everything worked out well, I'd finally get my answers tonight.

I nervously paced in my room, biting my lip. Reece was set to come over any minute, and I began to regret calling him over.

The doorbell rang and I smoothed my dress one last time before leaving my room. When I realized my dad was going to greet him, I practically flew downstairs. He didn't need my dad's threats.

"Hey Reece!" I grinned, opening the door before my dad could.

My breath hitched in my throat. He looked good, like really good. He was wearing a blue button-down shirt, which was neatly tucked into a pair of blank jeans. He wore brown dress shoes. His golden-brown hair gelled back, making him look neater.

I've never seen him clean up so well.

"Damn Reece, you clean up nice," I teased, moving to the side so he could come in. His honey eyes scanned over my body and I felt a little self-conscious.

"You don't look too bad yourself."

"Aw, way to make a girl feel special," I replied sarcastically.

My dad awkwardly cleared his throat, reminding us of his presence.

"Oh, dad. This is Reece, my calculus tutor."

Reece held out his hand and my dad warily shook it.

"Her last tutor didn't have the guts to meet me, so I already like you more," my dad declared, wearing a nice smile. "Dinner will be ready soon. Ary, why don't you show him around."

I nodded and gestured for him to follow me, leaving my dad in the kitchen. "Your last tutor?" He asked, his brows quirked.

I lead him to the theater room, deciding it would be a good first room. "Yeah, don't worry about it. This is our movie room."

His eyes stared in awe. "Wow, I knew you were loaded, but I didn't know it was this much! Your house is beautiful."

I awkwardly laughed and dragged him out. Our tour was cut short when Justin walked in, calling us to eat.

"Guess you'll have to show me the rest another time," he grinned, following me to the dining room. His eyes animatedly scanned his surroundings as we walked. It was a look I was all too familiar with.

My dad sat at the head, as usual. Justin and my mom sat on one side, and Reece and I sat next to each other on the opposite side.

"Hey, Justin!" Reece chirped, finally greeting him.

"Hey Reece," Justin replied with a smile, before narrowing his eyes at me. Through our mental communication, I could tell he was trying to relay a message. Don't mess it up with my new captain.

I rolled my eyes at looked at my parents. "Mom, Dad, this is Reece Anderson. He's the new co-captain along with Dylan. He's also the guy who's been tutoring me in calculus."

"Ah, nice to meet you!" My mom smiled warmly. "I'm glad Ary's been getting help. She's never been that good at math."

I bowed my head to hide my embarrassment. Reece only chuckled and didn't make a comment on that.

"So, tell me more about yourself," my dad smiled. Since Reece was a fellow football player, I knew he already had my dad's heart.

We began eating our steak dinner and conversed. I mainly focused on my guest, trying to find holes in his story and his tells for lying.

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