53- It's My Party, I Can Cry If I Want To (Part 1)

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Arabella (Alicia Silverstone) ^


Today was Friday, AKA the day I was having my 'birthday' party. It was a regular party and my birthday was not associated with it, but I had to call it that for my parents' sake.

I wasn't even planning on having it, but Dylan asked my parents behind my back. They were more than excited and gave their blessings. They even decided it would be a perfect time to go on a spontaneous vacation. They decided to take poor Justin with them, who just wanted to stay back and party.

Since it wasn't my idea, I left Dylan in charge of planning and set up. It was his fault I was in this mess in the first place.

Word spread around quickly but I made sure to personally invite all my friends, including Reece and Leah. Both seemed excited I decided to go through with it, even though I didn't have a choice. They didn't need to know that.

"Okay, I'm just contacting the last of my suppliers. What time are your parents leaving?" Dylan asked, leaning against my car. I was already inside, ready to go home.

"They're gone. They took Justin out of school early today," I told him through the lowered window. "I'll meet you at my place? I need to feed Ryder. The door will be unlocked."

He gave an acknowledging nod. I rolled up my window and watched him leave. Then I rushed home to give all my love and attention to my baby.

I nearly ran inside to greet Ryder. He met me by the front door, his entire body wiggling from excitement. He was a three-month-old golden retriever puppy and just a ball of energy. Overall, I did most of the work. When I was at school, my dad would take care of him. 

"Hey Ryder," I squealed, bending down. He attacked me with kisses and I let him. Then I scooped him up and brought him to the backyard so he could do his business. He trotted around the grass and I sat on the ledge that separated the grass and deck.

He pooped and peed. I rewarded him for being the best boy with some treats. Then I wiped his paws and brought him back inside.

Since there was no chance he'd go in the house, I brought him upstairs and into my room. I had time to take a nap before the party started. I texted Dylan and reminded him that the door was open before curling into bed and spooning Ryder.

Was it unsafe to keep the front door unlocked while I was sleeping? Probably.

It was the last of my worries as I drifted into a deep sleep, Ryder curled up in my side. I wished I could sleep with him at night, but my parents convinced me I should crate train him for the future. That, and the fact that he wasn't potty trained yet.

I woke up a few hours later. The first thing I did was look at my phone. There was still some hours until the party started. I stretched, accidentally waking Ryder up with me. He whined as a big yawn escaped his mouth. "Oooh, big yawn," I cooed, petting him between his floppy ears.

He nuzzled into my hand and it took everything in me to not fall back asleep. Instead, I rubbed my sleepy eyes. Then I scooped him up and brought him downstairs. He was too small to go on the stairs himself.

A lot of commotion was going on. Dylan noticed me walking down and came over, giving Ryder a quick scratch. A bunch of men were at my house, setting up everything for the party.

"Just a few more things and we'll be done," he said, looking around. I sleepily nodded and took Ryder outside to use the bathroom. Dylan followed me and sat next to me as I let the dog run free.

"Thanks for doing this," I sighed, putting my head on his shoulder.

"Of course," he smiled, putting his head on top of mine. "And don't worry, I'm staying sober tonight so you can really let yourself go."

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