15- Reappearance

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Dean wasn't at school the next day. Skipping twice in one week? Weird. 

I brushed it off. I was a worrier. I always assumed the worst. Dean skipping wasn't out of character at all.

During English, I acted like I was fine. Completely normal, right? 

I wasn't anxious at all. It wasn't like we ended on a bad note and now he was dead and I'd have to live with the guilt forever. 

Ahaha, right?

Jaz nudged me and asked if I was alright. I had desperately wished it was Friday. I wanted to journal as a distraction. As Mr. Cullen lectured, I couldn't help but bounce my leg anxiously.

I weakly nodded at her and focused in front of me. When class ended, I told Mr. C that I couldn't stay after school today. 

In calculus, we had a worksheet to work on. I happily sighed and put all my attention into it. It was a great distraction, and so was chem. I forced myself to listen to our teacher. She was explaining concepts that would be on our upcoming text and I diligently wrote notes.

Lunch came in a blink of an eye. I held some hope that maybe he just slept in and was coming late. I waited by the cafeteria door, but he never showed. I gave up and walked inside, alone.

I knew I was being dramatic, but it felt like everyone was staring at me with curious eyes. Maybe they were conspiring about me, about us. After all, ever since we started this whole fake dating, he barely left my side.

Jaz pursed her lips as I took a seat. I tried to ignore the empty chair next to me, or the absence of a knee brushing against my leg. 

"Where's Dean?" She asked. Everyone else leaned in, waiting for my answer. I lamely shrugged. "What? You don't know?"

Then I realized that as his girlfriend, it was expected for me to know. I awkwardly glanced at Emma and Will, the only two who had no idea everything was fake. 

"Last I heard, he was sick," I lied. They seemed satisfied with my answer and resumed their conversations. 

Dylan and Jaz both leaned in toward me with hush whispers. "Rumor has it, he's the one who messed up Drew's pretty face," she said as a matter of factly. 

His brow quirked up. "Really? Anyone know why?"

They were torturing me. They knew I knew something. 

Both their eyes flickered to me. "I heard it was right before lunch ended. Didn't he follow you as you went to your locker?" Jaz smirked. 

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I replied coolly. 

"Hm, yeah, and weren't the three of you seen together in class after this whole fiasco?" Dylan pointed out. Both their tones were overly innocent, proving they knew everything. They wanted me to say it.

Ignoring them, I pulled out my phone and texted Dean, asking where he was. His answer would soothe some of my anxious thoughts, right?

I bet it was his stupid bike. I always knew that thing was dangerous. I had no idea how he rode it around everywhere. What a stupid idiot. Why does he never listen to me?


The next day was even worse. It was Friday and all the cheerleaders were prancing around. There was still a week before our homecoming game, but spirits were up. 

That also meant the dance was a week away. Andrew hadn't made any effort to ask, and I doubt Dean would. Fake boyfriend or not, it didn't seem like his scene. 

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