56- Babysitting

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"I don't know, I'm just done," I vented to my lovely therapist, AKA Mr. Cullen. Was it weird ranting to a teacher? Yes. But we'd already established that we were friends. 

"Gee Bella, how was your birthday party?" he sarcastically asked, earning an eye roll. "Okay okay, sorry. What's on your mind."

"Dean!" I exasperated. He raised his brows, probably wondering why I brought him up after weeks of not.

"I'm confused... Is he back or something?" He looked slightly amused at my state of misery.

I gave him my harshest glare before continuing my pacing. "No, that's the problem! I mean, a birthday is a pretty good reason to come back, right? He didn't even say goodbye! He just abandoned me. I thought maybe he had the decency to stop by and wish me a happy birthday! But no... he didn't even show. I don't know why I'm so surprised though. I stopped expecting anything from him a week after he left. And he had the audacity to send me a gift through Reece! I-"

"Reece?" His brows quirked.

"Reece, my calculus tutor. They're like childhood friends or whatever," I explained before continuing my thought. "Anyways, he sent me a gift through his friend. And I don't even know if he actually sent the gift or if Reece just told me that to make me feel better."

"Where is it now?"

"The gift? I gave it back to him. I don't want any of his meaningless crap. And now Reece is acting weird around me and I'm convinced something happened between the two of us because we woke up in the same bed and I cannot think of a single reason I'd ask him to sleep with me. I'd probably call Dylan first. But I didn't! And I'm pretty sure we didn't have sex because I think I'd know, right? No matter how drunk, I'm not the type to just give it up like that. I mean, I trust Reece, but he's hiding something."

"Bella, breathe!" he snapped his fingers, grabbing my shoulders and violently shaking them. I did as told and took deep breaths. Then I sat on top of his desk before my knees gave out.

"I'm so confused, but yeah. Moral of the story, I'm officially done with Dean and if he truly did give me that bracelet, he can shove it where the sun doesn't shine. Why would he do that anyway? Is it a part of his sick mind games?" I rhetorically asked.

Mr. Cullen's face hardened and I felt bad that I was burdening him with all my problems at once.

"Okay, sorry. How's your life been?" I sighed.

He gave me a look that read as you're bizarre before taking a seat. I could see his thoughts moving at miles per minute and I wondered what he was thinking about.

After a long and dramatic sigh, he composed himself. "My life is spectacular."

"It would be even better with the beard," I grinned, swinging my legs back and forth. He shook his head and chuckled. All sighs of him being annoyed disappeared within a flash. "Oh, this is random but sorry I didn't invite you to the party. I just assumed that would be weird..."

"Yeah, I thought my invitation got lost in the mail," he joked. He was definitely in a better mood. "No, but can you imagine all the students? They'd be all over me." He shuddered in disgust.

I groaned and looked up at the ceiling tiles. "Maybe you'd be able to fill me in on what I missed."

"I don't get it. You drink until you forget, but then you regret not remembering. Why is that?" He didn't seem judgy, but genuinely curious.

"First of all, I'm a major lightweight so I get drunk easily. I don't really have much of a choice if I wanna have fun. Secondly, I guess I prefer to live in the moment. I act differently if I know I won't remember what happens the next day," I nonchalantly shrugged.

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