23- Ouchie

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"You know, I usually charge a fee for my services, but I have a deal for you."

"What is it?" I asked, intrigued.

A smirk dug into Dean's cheek. "For every right answer, I need a kiss."

I giggled and pushed him away from me. For a tutoring session, he was being really distracting. He kept looking for reasons to touch me and I was too distracted to care. Anything was better than calculus.

"You know, I don't know much about you," I pointed out suddenly.

He made a face and leaned back on the bed. "Ask away."

"And you'll actually answer them this time?" I asked. He kissed his pinky and held it up. Satisfied, I kissed mine back and hooked it around his. "Okay, um, let's start off with something easy. What's your last name?" He grabbed my hand and absentmindedly started playing with my fingers. 

"Why? So you can scribble your first name with my last name all over your notebook?" he replied with a smug smile.

"No!" I denied, turning red. "Fine. Tell me about your parents."  

"Hm, not much to say, really. They're still alive and own a small business."

I inwardly groaned at his answers. Even if I managed to get a sliver of information out of him, he'd give me the least amount of details.

"Okay... tell me more about your past then," I suggested, leaving it more open-ended so he could give me as much detail as he wanted. I was hoping it would be more than one word.

"You basically know the whole story." He leaned toward me again, trying to kiss my lips. For a second, I faltered, giving into him. 

"For someone who pinky promised me answers, you sure didn't give me a lot," I mumbled on his lips. He grinning before kissing me again.

"For someone who called me over for calculus help, you sure aren't answering a lot of questions." 

I groaned and fell backward on to the mattress. He lightly chuckled before joining me. I turned my head toward him, admiring his face. "You're distracting me," I huffed.

"Trust me, you don't know how long I've been wanting to do this," he whispered before pulling my face toward him, kissing me deeply. Even though we kissed a handful of times, it still managed to knock the breath out of me. 

"This is exactly what I mean," I sighed. "You know, maybe I should legitimately hire a tutor."

His eyes darkened a shade. "A female tutor."

I rolled my eyes at his sudden jealousy and sat up. "Okay, I have another question."

"Humor me," he replied sarcastically. I'm sure he was sick of all my questions by now, but I was sick of never getting answers. 

"That day you made me get detention and then got it for yourself..."

"I was jealous," he answered, confirming my thoughts. "Andrew was flirting with you all throughout class and he was gonna see you after school. I didn't want that."

I processed his words. "And then the diner?"

"Well, the detention plan didn't work out so well, so I figured I needed to buy some time."

"Okay, and then what about the day Andrew asked me to homecoming? Why'd you get detention that day?"

He grinned, reminiscing. "Well, first of all, I didn't expect him to ask you that day. And I knew Mr. Cullen had detention duty and you'd go visit him after school. You pulled away from me and I figured it would be the only way to talk to you. And, before you ask, I got mad at you because you kept bringing up my nonexistent relationship with Jasmine."

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