49- Ditchin' Dean

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Double update because I felt like this chapter had more plot. Happy New Year!


Friday came around quickly and before I knew it, I was sitting in Mr. Cullen's class. He's been looking very stressed lately, and I figured it had to do with his love life or something. Something must have happened during Thanksgiving break.

Dean hadn't come to school this entire week. If he were anyone else, I'd think it's weird. Lately, he's been known for his skipping streak so I didn't think too much of it. I hadn't seen or talked to him since that day where we kissed in the rain. I was pretty much used to his isolative behavior by now.

But something wasn't right. I noticed Reece was always on edge, and it made me realize Dean's disappearance wasn't to upkeep his image. It had to do with the gang.

When Mr. Cullen passed around our journals, I began to rant about the usual. It had been a while since I've seen Mr. Cullen after school so he wasn't caught up. I went on to mention how annoyed I was when people would just leave my life without warning. Not only was I hinting at Dean, but also my parents.

That topic became old quickly. I've written about it a lot, so there wasn't much else to say. Then I thought about Reece's words, and how he believed I was holding in some trauma from being shot. I decided to write about that night. I wrote about 'my' version, AKA the lie I told everyone. I mainly focused on the act of being shot rather than the events leading up to it. I also wrote about the frustrations I felt about having to catch up with schoolwork.

The bell rang and I passed up my journal. It didn't feel like a weight was lifted off my shoulders or anything, but I did feel a little better.

I grabbed my bag in one hand, and Jaz in another. We walked out of the classroom together and talked until she reached her class. I reluctantly parted from her and walked to calculus.

As much as I hated to admit it, I was feeling a little lonely.

The drab calculus classroom did nothing to uplift my spirits. Shocker.

"Bella, can you stay after class? I need to have a small chat with you," the teacher asked. I nodded and scurried to my usual spot.

The entire period, I couldn't focus on the lesson. All I could think about was what the teacher was going to tell me. The last time she stopped me, it was to assign me a tutor. I already had Reece. What more could she possibly want from me?

The bell dismissed the class and I slowly packed up, lingering behind. When the classroom was empty, I walked up to her desk and waited for her to look up.

"Right, Bella," she looked up as if she forgot she told me to stay. "So I've been informed that Reece has made a new long term commitment so he can no longer be your tutor. I'm going to pair you with..."

I tuned out the rest of her speech as I processed her words. Reece wasn't going to tutor me anymore? Why?

The realization hit me like a train.

"Excuse me Miss, can we talk about this on Monday?" I asked without waiting for a response. I ran out of the classroom, leaving her shocked expression behind. Instead of going to chemistry, I bolted to my car, praying that I wouldn't be caught by a teacher.

As soon as my car came into view, I unlocked it and slid inside. I wasn't planning on actually leaving, just sitting.

I turned on the music and closed my eyes, breathing in and out.

I wasn't stupid. I knew why Reece was stopping our tutoring sessions. He was leaving too. He was leaving me here all alone. That's why he looked so nervous this whole week. He was just waiting to tell me.

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