31- Break In

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Uploaded two chapters in one day because I was feeling generous... And this is a continuation of the last one.

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The night was drawing on. I sat there, restless. I tried to lay down, but it was no use. I kept thrashing around, messing up my covers. The paranoia of a night alone kept hitting me.

"Please, let's just sleep," I groaned to myself. My heart sped up, thinking about whether a random killer would respond to me.

No, there's no random killer in my house.

Netflix paused on my screen, asking me if I was still there. I glanced at my clock to see it was only 1 am. Ugh, it felt like a whole night had passed. What's worse was that I had school the next day. I clicked play and absentmindedly stared at the screen. I tried to distract myself with the show, but it wasn't doing a good job. I kept getting sucked back into my paranoia.

For a second, I thought about caving and calling Dylan. I knew he'd drop everything and come here. But doing so felt incredibly selfish.

Instead, I sighed and paused the show. Maybe I could do something more engaging.

For some reason, I decided Instagram stalking was appropriate. Dean didn't have an account, sadly, so I couldn't stalk him. Of course he wouldn't. He was probably the most private person I knew. If he couldn't tell me stuff, he wouldn't be posting it out into the world either.

But maybe I could stalk someone else. Maybe doing this would explain why I had such a strong gut feeling.

I sat up and wrapped my blanket around me before typing in Reece's name. A bunch of options popped up and it would take me years to go through them all.

Instead, I typed his first and last name. Surprisingly, it hardly narrowed the list.

I went on to Dylan's page and clicked his followers. Surely they followed each other, right? They were kinda teammates.

Sure enough, his page came up. His handle was @ReecesPieces, which I thought was clever. I clicked on it and scrolled through the pictures. The most recent were definitely from this year and Michigan. He had some from his football games, mostly with the jocks. Even one with his ex-girlfriend.

I scrolled down a little and saw one that stood out. It was him posing in front of The Bean, a tourist attraction in Chicago. Interesting. I clicked through his other pictures and they were all tagged at locations in Illinois. So that's where he must have moved from!

Even further down, I saw a group picture. I grinned, looking at the young faces. Reece looked pretty much the same, but his hair was much shorter. I compared him to his friends in the picture. There were eight boys and one girl, all doing random poses.

My eye caught one in particular.

My heart started beating much faster. In that picture, Dean stood at one end of the group. I was sure of it, even though he looked much younger.

Dean knew Reece? From before he moved here?

I started getting dizzy. Was this was Reece was asking a number of questions?

A memory flashed into mind.

"You know Dean?"

"Yeah... he's an old friend."

I gasped as everything was slowly piecing together. At the party, Reece told me he knew Dean. Why hadn't either of them brought it up since? They didn't act like they knew each other, especially at school. Now that I thought about it, I don't think they ever saw each other, let alone hung out.

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