34- Baby Fever

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Freaking Friday.

Red varsity jackets and cheerleader uniforms flooded my vision as I walked through the halls. Many familiar faces passed me, but I kept my gaze ahead.

On one side of the hallway, Dylan, Andrew, Reece, and some other football players were huddled up. I met Dylan's brown eyes and he gave me a confused look, probably wondering why I left my car much earlier than class started. To my surprise, Taylor was with them, hanging off Dylan. Gross.

I walked a little further and saw a couple sucking faces. Yep. Dean was with another girl. Her hands were all over his hair and his arms were brushing up her thighs. I couldn't help but gag at them.

A little farther, I saw my brother. He looked adorable in his red jacket. He had a girl with him, and I recognized her as the one who was at our house the other day. Erin was her name, I think.

Finally, my friends came into view. Jaz, Emma, and Will were leaning against his locker, talking animatedly. They looked too excited for it being seven in the morning. I debated just walking back to my car, unable to match their energy. 

"Bella!" Emma called out, grabbing my attention. I mentally scowled and walked toward the energetic group. "What's up, girl?" 

I couldn't even fake a smile. "How are you guys so alive right now?"

"You know how game day is," Jaz grinned, gesturing around. The hallway was surely more energetic compared to other days. The student body was talking about the game and upcoming parties.

It was the last home game for a little while. The next one would end the football season, but there were a few away games scattered in between. 

"Yeah, because football is the only sport this school cares about," Will muttered under his breath. Emma smiled and kissed his cheek, assuring him that she loved wrestling. His scowl faded as he looked at his girlfriend.

"Wow we're so single," Jaz huffed. 

"Excuse me, I'm choosing to be single," I scoffed. "But you're so right."

Emma and Will faded away into their own bubble, ignoring us from here on out.

"Did you see him? He's with another girl," Jaz hissed, gesturing to Dean.

I rolled my eyes. "And Taylor... she's with Dylan now! Did she do the whole football team?" This is what I liked. We both criticized the people we liked so we wouldn't have to do it ourselves. It was a little twisted. In a way, I thought it was a way for us to remind each other not to fall into their traps.

"We fell for players," she shook her head. I wanted to tell her I wasn't that invested in Dean, but wasn't that a lie? I was obsessed with his story.

Did I like him or was I just nosy?

This is exactly why I stopped it. I had no trust in my feelings.

"I'm going to see Mr. Cullen," I told her. She rolled her eyes and didn't follow me like I expected. Why she would choose to stay with the lovesick couple, I had no idea.

The empty classroom was a little eerie. I should have been used to it, but it just looked weird without sunshine flooding through the windows.

I heard a bang coming from the storage room and headed toward it. "Mr. Cullen, is that you?"

His head popped out of the room. "Bella! Come help." His voice was urgent and panicked.

I rushed in behind him and automatically understood his frustration. Books were scattered all over the storage room - more specifically the books I helped organize. 

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