58- The Crush Cans

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Valentine's day fell on a Friday this year, and it was pretty convenient. The girls who were lucky enough to have Valentine's could have a fancy Friday night dinner date and the perfect end to the weekend. The girls who didn't get asked... well, they had the whole weekend to recover.

Sadly, I was going to be in the latter category. I didn't mind as much as you'd think. Honestly, I had enough boy drama to last me a lifetime. I didn't even want to think about all this.

Alas, it was unavoidable. As I was a teenager attending a high school, I could only be reminded over and over again about this great holiday. After all, the halls were buzzing with gossip.

Various shades of reds and pinks flooded the hallways as girls dressed up in their most festive outfits. Many chose to go the sexy route with short dresses and skirts. Emma had a cute, red romper on, which definitely was against the dress code. Even Jasmine wore a pink dress.

Much like my soul, I decided on a black sweater. It just felt more appropriate.

"So, you think you're going to get a Crush can this year?" Emma asked, watching all the couples with softened eyes. Will hadn't arrived yet, but I was hoping he'd be smart enough to ask Emma to be his valentine instead of assuming it. With all the stuff going on, I hadn't been able to help him prepare.

Our school had a dumb tradition. The days leading up to Valentine's, one could purchase a Crush soda can to send to their crush. It was anonymous but they could choose to send it along with a message if they wanted.

I sent one to Andrew every year.

This time, I didn't send any. I wasn't expecting any either, sadly.

"No," I snorted at the ridiculous thought. Her brows immediately furrowed and I knew she was about to lecture me for being so pessimistic. Before she could do so, I changed the topic. "Hey Jaz, how does it work with you and Kim? Who asks who?"

This worked well enough to catch Emma's attention. We both eagerly looked over at our friend, who nervously bit her lip. "Guys, I don't know. I'm new to all this."

Emma gave her a sympathetic smile. I, on the other hand, didn't appreciate her insecurity. It didn't suit her at all. "I think you should ask her," I said. The brunette whipped her head to me at lightning speed. I was surprised she didn't get whiplash. I shrugged, explaining myself. "I mean, it's been a few weeks. She obviously likes you enough to deal with a drunk me. I think you should ask her. The worst is she says is no."

"Since when are you so upfront about your feelings?" Jaz accused, narrowing her eyes. She had a point, but we were different. "I guess you're right. I'll ask her."

"Great!" I squealed, even though I was a little disappointed. Way back when, we were supposed to spend today together. Now that both had plans, I was left by myself.

It's fine.

Dylan walked down the hall, holding two bouquets. He had this tradition where every year, he'd give Emma, Jaz, and I each a small gift. I thought it was super sweet of him.

"Ladies," he dramatically bowed and held out the flowers. Jaz and I each took one, grinning ear to ear. He turned to the other blond with an apologetic smile. "Now that you have a man, it feels weird to give you one."

"Fine, you're off the hook this time," she playfully sighed. She then craned her neck to look down the hallway. "Where is he anyway?"

"No idea," Dylan shrugged. A nameless face slowly approached us – or him – and put her arm around his bicep. She didn't show any hints of coyness when she bit her lip and handed him a box of chocolates, along with a card. We didn't miss her pushing out her chest, definitely getting his attention.

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