46- Lifetime Movie Scene

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[Slightly] unedited


The weekend was over and I bid farewell to my relatives. I promised my cousins I'd let them know how everything went.

I couldn't blame them either. If a random man showed up in Sara's bedroom while I was there, I'd be nosy too.

Speaking of, I never got the chance to ask her what was going on between her and our grandparents. It completely slipped my mind. I knew she wouldn't answer over text, so it would just have to be something we talked about the next time we saw each other.

I sat in my car, staring at all the students walking in and out of the building. I had ten minutes until class started and I felt more nervous than the first day.

While most of these students had one week off, I had three. I tried to catch up on homework, but I missed two weeks of lessons. I was behind, no matter how much work I completed at home. Now I'd have to work extra hard.

The passenger side of my car opened and Dylan slid in, putting my backpack on his lap. I gave him a small smile before leaning my head back on the headrest and closing my eyes.

He didn't say a word, even though he was dying to talk. Unlike Jaz, he respected the rules of vibe time. Plus, these last moments were super important for me. It was the last minutes of calm I had.

I was also trying not to freak out over all the work I had to do.

Dylan gently tapped my leg when it was time for us to go in. I appreciatively smiled at him and shut off my car. I hesitantly walked toward the building, but Dylan's reassuring hand encouraged me to go.

He walked by my side until it was time to go to class. He handed my bag and gave me an encouraging smile before parting ways.

I wasn't too worried about Mr. Cullen's class. He was the only teacher who went easy on me and insisted I didn't need to catch up. For my sake, I did the readings for the class just so I wouldn't be entirely lost.

He gave me a surprised look when I walked in, but I wasn't sure why. It's been three weeks since I've been shot. Sure, there was still pain, but I was okay if I was careful.

"Ary, great to see you again. Class was hella boring without you," Jasmine sung as I took a seat. "How are your cousins?"

"Good, they left last night. I miss them already," I sighed.

The teacher cleared his throat, getting our attention. "Okay, we're going easy today because it's your first day back from a week-long break. I know some of you guys are braindead." The class chuckled in agreement. "Since we missed a Friday, you guys will work on your journals today. I'm passing them back."

He had mine from the Friday before I stopped coming, so I got it passed back to me. I felt grateful I had a chance to write everything out.

I wrote about everything that happened this past break, excluding my getting shot. I talked about Sara and Sam, how Andrew showed up, how Dean showed up. I wrote about what Sara told me, and how right she was. I wrote about how frustrated I was that Dean didn't visit, excluding the things about his gang stuff.

By the time the bell had rung, I was still in the middle of my rant.

"Bella, nice to see you again," Mr. Cullen smiled, taking the notebook from me. I smiled back, realizing how stupid I sounded in the journal. I wrote some pretty personal stuff and I wasn't sure if I was comfortable with someone reading it. Then again, Mr. Cullen knew everything anyway.

Dean wasn't in class but I wasn't surprised. Based on his flaky tendencies, this was normal for him. I was a bit sad, considering I had said I'd talk to him today. The fact that he didn't even show was off-putting.

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