7- My First Rebellion

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"The craziest thing happened to me!" I squealed to Jaz. We were both on our way to English. I had a certain bounce in my step as I remembered last night's events. I couldn't stop thinking about it. 

We walked into class, our arms linked. Mr. Cullen looked at me amusedly. "Hello, ladies. Bella, I noticed a certain brunette disappeared from detention yesterday shortly after you. Any idea about that?"

"I think most people skipped," I commented back casually. "But if you're talking about one in particular, I'd maybe ask him." 

"Detention?" Jaz squeaked on our way to our desks. I nodded and put my bag on the floor.

"Yes, but I'll talk about that at lunch so I won't have to repeat it to everyone else. Wait-" I stopped, realizing Dean would be there too. I couldn't complain about him when he was right there. "Nevermind about that. Anyway, last night was so weird," I whispered.

Jaz leaned in eagerly.

I continued my hushed tone, not wanting eavesdroppers to listen in. "So I got back home and Drew was helping Justin practice, right? Well, he left and it was just us two. He stood like right in front of me and told me he'd be stopping by a lot more, then tucked a strand of hair behind my ear!" As I finished the last part of my sentence, my mortal enemy took a seat at his new desk. 

"No way!" Jaz said loudly. "What does it mean?"

"You know I read too into things," I pointed out. "But there's no way that was a platonic thing, right?" 

"Hello Jaz, Arabella," Dean grinned, sliding into our conversation. I took note of how he said her name first. "How was your guys' nights?"

"Ary had one hell of one," Jaz sighed dreamily. I gave her a warning look, but she seemed too distracted in her dream world to care.

"Oh? Please, tell me more," he smirked, looking directly at me. 

"Let's just say, a very hot blondie is stepping into her life for good," Jaz replied dreamily. I went to smack her for spilling all my business but restrained myself. 

His smirk fell immediately. 

Aha! Seeing Jaz's reaction made him jealous.

"Blond?" He asked, his teeth gritted. He no longer looked smug, but rather annoyed. Jasmine nodded and opened her mouth to say more, but Mr. Cullen cut her off.

"Okay class, we're going to be on an important life theme: love." He started. All the girls in the class nearly swooned at the word. "I know, I know. It's great. But love brings a lot of challenges as well. Sometimes, the person you love doesn't love you back." I tensed. "Sometimes someone loves you so much but you're oblivious to it. Sometimes, you have to make hard choices. All these themes are exemplified in our first reading assignment: The Great Gatsby." 

The class was a mix of groans and cheers. He chuckled and continued his lecture, making points from the book and relating them to real life. Sometimes, he'd stare at me and I'd shrink down into my chair.

His attitude was beginning to creep me out. Why did he act like he was in on some secret about me? All I had done was rant about Dean. He would have figured my hatred for him eventually.

I didn't know what it was, but I sensed like Mr. Cullen was going to add to the chaos of my life.


"So yeah, I got detention because dumbass Dean," I finished my story. I mentally pat myself on the back. He hadn't arrived at the table yet and I managed to fill in the rest of my friends.

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