57- Emotions? Never Heard of Them

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Before I could make a decision, the doorknob slowly turned. I watched with wide eyes, wondering if I had some type of psychic powers I never knew about. Maybe it was Fluffy that was controlling it. Hell, maybe I was seeing things.

But alas, it was none of those theories.

The door swung open and revealed the one man that I've tried so hard to block out.


My eyes widened and slowly trailed up the wall, which seemed to have taken place of the door. They stopped at the gorgeous green eyes I used to crave.

Hell, I still craved them.

No, this had to be a dream, right? I was dreaming and none of this was real.

Instead of reacting in a crazed manner, I focused on the fact that I looked like a complete idiot. I awkwardly cleared my throat and said, "Uh, I was just looking for Lily's room." It sounded more like a question than a statement.

What the hell?

Dean had a look of amusement on his face. He obviously didn't believe my lie. "Last door on the right." He sounded unaffected, like he wasn't just seeing me after months. It stung the heart a little.

I composed myself and nodded, following his directions. God had other plans though. I forgot Fluffy was stuck to my side and when I made a move, I immediately tripped over her and landed face-first on the floor.  Luckily, my arms shot out and stopped my nose from getting crushed on the wood floors. The pain that shot up in my body only proved this was real and not a dream.

I inwardly cringed at clumsiness, making a face at the shiny floor below me. A helping hand shot out. I glared at it before helping myself up and dusting off my jeans. Fluffy innocently looked at me, but I swear she winked at me.

That little...!

"You okay?" Dean's smooth voice broke me out of my thoughts. I could hear the laughter in his tone. I nodded, not trusting my voice, and made my way to what was presumably Lily's room.

From my limited experience in babysitting, you never violently enter a room when the baby wakes up from a nap. You have to slowly open the door and let the light seep in before coming in.

That's exactly what I did. When I was sure Lily was aware of my presence, I flipped on the light. Right away, I was blinded by bright pink walls. I looked around her room and smiled. There was a white crib on one side. The windows were draped with a thick white curtain to block out the sun completely. The other corner had a white rocking chair, and next to it was a white dresser. Toys were neatly organized on short shelves and bins around the room.

Her small head snapped to me as she stood in her crib. "Ababa," she squealed, giggling. Holy smokes, she remembered my name!

"Hi Lily," I spoke in my infamous baby voice. She didn't seem like a crybaby and I couldn't be more thankful. I made my way over to her crib. Her green eyes sparkled as they looked up at me. I nearly gasped at how similar they were to Dean's. Her grabby hands reached upward and I took the hint, picking her up.

"What are you doing here?" he spoke, reminding me he was actually real. I glanced over at him. He was leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed.

I wanted to give him a snarky response like 'I could ask you the same' but I held back. I'd learned that using neutral phrases would control the boiling rage I felt deep within. "Your sister asked me to babysit."

His brows raised in surprise and I forced my gaze away from him. Instead, I focused on Lily, who was insistent on pulling my hair. I winced and used my free hand to grab the strand she was latched on to.

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