36- Drunk again?!?!

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I'm not really feeling this chapter and I may rewrite it later but I just wanted something published :) I'm not sure how the rest of this week is going to look because of the holidays but I'll try to upload when I can!

Dylan and Jasmine left early on Sunday morning. I was a little sad, but both had lives that didn't involve. Dylan had to meet up with some other friends and Jaz had to babysit. 

It sucked after they left. The house was quiet and I was lonely.

Justin came back early, but he went straight to his room, probably playing video games. I didn't understand this kid. We had a whole game room and screening room but he'd rather play in his room on his tiny TV.

I fed Terminator a bottle and gently pat him on the back, hoping he wouldn't cry for a couple of hours. I had a lot of energy and I didn't want him to disturb me.

When he finally stopped making noise, I changed into leggings and a sports bra. I figured it was a good time to use our home gym. I used it religiously during summer, but avoided it during school. Exercising was the only way I'd get rid of all this anxious energy.

I grabbed my phone and headphones and headed down the long hallway to the gym. The room was surrounded by wall-length mirrors. On one end, there were bars attached, specifically for ballet. We had a lot of machines scattered around, along with a huge TV and speaker system. I still used my headphones though.

After putting on my workout playlist, I stepped onto the treadmill and popped my earbuds in. Blinding Lights by the Weeknd blasted and I started running, adjusting the settings as I went. 

My feet pounded on the moving belt under me as I sped up. Sweat was starting to drip down every crevice of my body. It was motivating. I increased the incline and ran as fast as I could.

Eventually, my sides started to ache and I took it as my body's way of telling me to relax. I was pushing myself a little too hard. Almost reluctantly, I lowered the speed so my lungs could inhale more air. The relief was practically immediate.

After thirty minutes, I decided to take a break. My legs were shaking and if I didn't, I'd probably collapse. I held on to the machine for support as I drank my ice-cold water. It didn't do much to cool me down though. My blood was rushing through my ears and I felt the exhilaration 

Something moved in the corner of my eye and I nearly screamed. 

"Geez! You scared me," I yelled, removing my earbuds and putting them in the cupholder of the machine.

"Sorry," Dean sheepishly replied. Right away I could tell he wasn't himself. He had a hard time balancing and stumbled as he made his way across the gym. "Your brother let me in."

Stupid Justin.

It was clear he was drunk when he came closer. The smell of alcohol was radiating off of him. He finally reached me and held on to the treadmill for support.

"Are you drunk?" I raised my brows. He bit his lip and shook his head, obviously lying. "Why are you here?"

It was a little disappointing to see him drunk at two in the afternoon. Who drank so much during the day? I could excuse the nighttime, but this?

His eyes shamelessly scanned my body, lingering on my sports bra a little longer. I rolled my eyes and snapped in his face to regain his attention.

"You're pretty," he grinned, reaching out and twirling my ponytail in his fingers. I swallowed the butterflies in my stomach. I was hot and sweaty and looked like a mess, definitely the opposite of pretty. 

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