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Violence was never my thing. I hated it. The most extreme thing I ever did was slap Andrew across the face.

But I had never felt such a strong urge to punch someone in my life. Until now.

"You know, I'm sorry your little crush didn't work out, but you can't blame all of life's failures on me. Sorry I got Andrew to like me without sleeping with him," I sneered.

A small crowd formed between Taylor and I, excitedly watching the scene unfold in front of them. Could I blame them? This was like an episode of a teen drama!

She raised a perfectly manicured brow at me. "At least I got to sleep with him."

Oh hell no.

In a split second, I lunged at her. "At least they like me," I yelled before tackling her to the ground, or at least trying to.

A pair of arms wrapped around my waist and I found myself thrashing to get out of the hold.

"Let me at her, she deserves it," I yelled, enjoying her terrified face. For a brief second, I was close enough to swipe at her. She flinched and I missed by a centimeter.

"As hot as I think this is, I don't think this is a great idea, babe," a smooth voice whispered in my ear. It did little to calm me down though.

From across me, I saw Dylan trying to take her out of my sight. "Dylan Charles Woods, if you walk away with her, I swear on your dead grandmother's grave that I'll never talk to you again," I hissed with venom. His face paled and he instinctively stepped away from Taylor. Her face was priceless. Her lip jutted into a small pout as she realized I was more important than her.

Hell yeah, I am!

"Dylan, baby," she whined, but he shook his head, taking another step back. A triumphant smile played at my lips and I stopped thrashing. Dean was smart though, he didn't release his grip on me.

You know, even though I hated Taylor, I never knew she felt the same about me. I just figured she accidentally flirted/slept with everyone in my life. Turns out, she knew about Andrew's crush on me long ago and was hell-bent on ruining my life. Apparently, she had a fat crush on him as well. 

It was a fun little revelation.

Seeing me talk with Andrew, Dean, Reece, and Dylan (my god, I'm a slut!) in one day was too much for her pea brain to handle. So, the Monday after Valentine's Day, she decided to attack me after school. It was verbal, obviously, but I didn't mind making it physical.

Dean was clearly a bad influence on me.

"So Wilks, how does it feel to get all my leftovers? Dylan, Andrew, Reece, Dean... Jaz." Taylor's smirk resumed as if I wasn't seconds away from strangling her.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see my best friend tense.

Oh, I know damn well she didn't just out my best friend without permission.

"I'm letting you get one hit," Dean whispered before letting go of me. Without missing a beat, I stalked up to her now-frightened figure. It was adorable how she was looking around for someone to save her. Each person her eyes landed on completely avoided her gaze.

Poor thing really had no friends.

Not even Andrew came to her rescue. In fact, he was standing close to me, like he was ready to jump in at any second.

I dramatically cracked my knuckles. "This one's for Jaz," I whispered before hitting her in her perfect nose.

The arms came back, but I was itching for more. "Okay, that's enough," Dean whispered. I thrashed as he pulled me away from the scene. My friends followed behind.

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