19- The One Where It Gets Better?

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"Bella, if you don't get your lazy ass up and open this door, I'm going break it down I swear," Emma yelled through the other side. She had been pounding on the door for five minutes straight. I just didn't have the energy to open it.

But I knew her threats weren't empty.

I untangled myself from my sheets and swung the door open. 

"See? Now that wasn't so ha... Holy shit what happened to you?" She gasped, walking into my room. Jaz followed behind her, just as concerned. I didn't even know she was here.

"I'm not going," I sniffled, immediately getting back into bed. 

"I'm calling Dylan for backup..." Jaz warned before dialing his number. "Hey, any chance you could come to Ary's house? She-" 

Thumps could be heard in the hallway and seconds later, Dylan stumbled in. "I spent the night," he said sheepishly when he was met with confused gazes.

"What's going on?" Emma asked, panic in her voice. She looked at me again and her face softened. 

I wanted to explain, but doing so would relive the moment, making my heart shatter again. Luckily, Dylan didn't hesitate to answer on my behalf.

"We saw Andrew being a dick last night," he told them. They looked at him, waiting for him to continue. "We walked back into the locker room and he kept running his mouth about how he was using Bella." His fist clenched just remembering it.

"Are you okay?" Jaz asked softly, sitting next to me in bed. Emma came and sat on the other side of me and Dylan sat at the foot of my bed. 

I shook my head and answered truthfully. "No. I just found out the boy I liked for four years used me. Nothing feels right anymore." Jaz put a comforting hand on my shoulder. "I just, I can't believe I fell for it. What's worse, I can't believe how pathetic I acted. I put my entire love life on hold for one boy who I knew wouldn't like me. I can't believe I would have been content being one of his playthings. But being used? No."

"I'm glad you realized it," Dylan mumbled, earning a kick from Jaz. 

"Guys, I really don't want to go to the dance. I'm just going to drag you down the whole time," I confessed.

Emma smiled. "It's fine! We'll have a night in instead! We'll binge sad movies and bake!"

I furiously shook my head, fearing this would happen. "No! You spent so much money on your dresses and it would be such a waste if you didn't wear them!" I argued. "I want to see you guys all dolled up."

"Oh Ary, I don't think-"

"No buts," I said sternly. "You guys are getting ready here and I'm going to help, okay? Then, after you guys leave, I'll cry," I teased. They didn't find that funny. "I'm joking! But please, it would make me feel so much better. I'll always feel guilty if you don't go."

They all slowly nodded and I mustered all my energy into a smile.

"Great! Dylan, go home, take a shower, grab Will and come back, okay?" 

He hesitantly nodded. I knew he didn't want to leave me alone, but I wasn't giving him much of a choice.

When he left the room, I attempted to lighten the mood. "I'm pretty sure he punched Drew so bad he broke his nose. If he's at the dance, please tell me how ugly he looks."

That was enough for them to break into smiles. "Will do." 

We waited for the boys to come back. It was still too early to get ready and we had plenty of time to kill.

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