27- Drunken Thoughts

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"You know the drill, journals out," Mr. Cullen said in a bored tone from his desk. I gave Jaz a weird look before pulling mine out. It wasn't like him to be so unenthusiastic, especially about the journals. He used to be so excited about the idea of them.

It was no surprise Dean's seat was empty once again. He's been skipping a lot more lately. Part of me thought it was to avoid me, but then I realized how conceited that sounded. Why would he skip school just because of me? He was probably out doing stupid rebellious things like taking other girls to diners.

Totally not jealous.

I was skeptical about writing in here today. I was still mad Mr. Cullen and I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing what was going on in my life.

Petty? A little.

Instead, I chose the dryest topic to talk about: school. I talked about how I was slowly starting to improve in calculus and I had good faith that I would get an A in the class by the end of the year. I talked about my other classes too.

The topic was so boring I could barely squeeze a whole page out. When I ran out of stuff to say, my gaze wandered to Dean's empty desk. Part of me regretted ever opening my mouth. Whatever we had going on was good. If I hadn't messed up, then he'd be the one tutoring me.

I still didn't understand why he was so pissed off. Was I supposed to make him wait for me? Was I supposed to date him, even if I was unsure my feelings were true? That would just be leading him on. It's not like he objected the idea either.

I let out the biggest breath when Mr. Cullen dismissed us. He smirked as I walked past him, probably expecting some juicy gossip to read over the weekend.

Little did he know...

As the day went on, I ignored the school pep spreading around. I was getting sick of football and school spirit. Only a few games remained, which was good for me. The quicker the season ended, the less boys I had to deal with.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Drew leaning against a locker. To my surprise, Dylan was with him. I knew they were teammates and all, but I truly figured they'd avoid each other at all costs.

As soon as he saw me, my best friend pushed himself up and made his way toward me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and walked in the same direction as me.

It was the first time we saw each other all day. It was Friday, meaning he'd be sitting with the team at lunch. It was pretty boring, considering Will went to his team, and it was just us girls.

"Hey, you didn't tell me Reece transferred here this year. You guys acted like he's been going here for four years and I never noticed him."

He grinned, pulling me in closer. "I mean, he was here since the start of the year and you didn't notice him, unlike the entire student population."

I ducked out of his grip and made my way to my locker. He followed behind, leaning against them while I pulled out my books.

"Speaking of," he mumbled, redirecting my attention.

Reece Anderson. He walked - no, breezed down the hallways of Westcreek High. It looked like a scene directly out of a movie. Girls sighed as he passed them and guys glared at him out of pure jealousy. Even his hair was effortlessly blowing like someone installed a fan in front of his face.

And then he stopped in front of me, ending the scene.

"Hey, Bella!" He grinned. I shuddered, getting PTSD from Andrew.

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