22- Jealousy's A Disease

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I woke up with a smile on my face. I dreamt about a certain green-eyed boy. As I turned around and looked at him, I realized I didn't need to dream about him anymore. 

His eyes fluttered open and stared at me as if he felt my gaze. He looked confused for a second, making me nervous. 

"Do you remember anything from last night?" I anxiously bit my lip. If he didn't, there was a big chance I'd be crushed. Or embarrassed. I wasn't sure what was worse. 

"Not really," he shook his head. "How did I get here?"

My heart dropped. Everything from last night was wiped out, just like that.

His face broke out into a mischievous grin. "Oh, gosh, I'm just kidding. You should have seen your face!" 

Still being a jerk I see.

I didn't show an ounce of amusement. For a second, I really thought I'd have to start over again. 

"I'm kidding," he repeated, pulling me into his chest. I involuntarily relaxed. "Man, I swear when I sleep with you, I get the best sleep of my life." 

My heart fluttered. I felt the exact same way. 

Okay, he was forgiven.

"Ary, we're back!" A voice yelled from downstairs, making my eyes widen.

Just like that, all sweetness was gone. A sudden urgency filled my veins as my heart pounded against my chest. 

"Dean, you have to leave," I hissed, my voice filled with panic. 

He lazily sat up, not giving a care in the world. "But I don't wanna," he groaned. He looked so incredibly handsome, even though he just woke up. His face looked well-rested and his hair stuck up in all different directions. 

"Please," I begged. "We'll talk later, okay? Please!" If my parents were to walk in...

He reluctantly got up and made his way to the ladder. "Keep this here, it'll be handy," he winked before sliding the window open and stepping over the opening. "But, don't open it for anyone else."

"Okay, okay, now go!" I said in a panic. He smiled one last time before climbing down. 

Ugh, that smile will be the death of me.

I closed the window shut just as my bedroom door opened. I casually turned around to see my dad. 

Dean's leather jacket still on my bed. My eyes widened at the fact that it was so visible.

"Hey, dad!" I quickly called to get his attention.

"Hey pumpkin," he smiled, walking further into the room. He opened his arms and I gladly hugged him back. "Look, I wanted to apologize for leaving you home alone. The weather was super heavy and I didn't want to drive in that. How'd everything go?"

"Oh, it's fine. Dylan actually spent the night," I lied. "In the guest bedroom," I added after seeing his face and tense posture.

He nodded proudly. "That's good! What a good kid... Definitely boyfriend material." I groaned at his shameless hint and he chucked, ruffling my hair. "Mom's making breakfast."

"Okay, I'll just freshen up and come down," I said as I smoothed down my hair. He nodded and started to leave when he abruptly turned around. I jumped into his line of vision, trying to hide the jacket.

"I'm glad you're better," he flashed me one last sad smile before finally leaving. I let out a breath of relief and took a seat on my bed, cuddling his jacket close to me. I couldn't hide my smile any longer.

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