54- It's My Party, I Can Cry If I Want To (Part 2)

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Make sure you've read part 1 first!


"And you said you won't remember this tomorrow?" Reece asked slowly. I nodded, eagerly biting my lip.

Then he cupped my face and crashed his lips to mine.

At first, I was taken aback that he was actually kissing me. By the time the initial shock wore off, I molded my lips to his. The kiss was different. I hadn't felt the same spark I did with Dean, but I was beginning to think that was a once in a lifetime thing.

And Reece's lips had such longing in them, I was starting to feel it too. My body was exhilarated at the contact. My heart started beating much faster and my hormones were going out of control.

God, I was desperate.

He pulled away and grabbed my arm, dragging me off the crowded dance floor. He found an empty wall space and pushed me against it.


He pushed up against me, making my heart flutter. The emotions in his eye increased by tenfold. I closed my eyes as his lips neared mine. When they finally touched, we got back into the same groove as before. This time it was even better because we weren't surrounded by sweaty bodies bumping into us.

A moan escaped the back of my throat and my hands found their way up to his hair. I ran my fingers through his golden locks, making him groan.

It turned me on quite a bit.

His lips left mine and he started trailing kisses down my jaw. "I thought about you a lot while I was gone," he whispered, sending shivers down my spine.

Now, I was aware I didn't have any romantic feelings for Reece and this was pure lust, but him saying that made my heart swell.

I cocked my head to the side, giving him more access. The room was getting hotter by the second. He planted hot kisses down my neck, making me moan from pure pleasure. I grabbed his face, missing his lips on mine.

"This is so fucked up," he groaned before kissing me. I mentally agreed before kissing him back. I was drunk and not thinking clearly. His arms tapped the back of my thighs and I took the hint, wrapping my legs around his torso. He picked me up with ease and pushed me into the wall with his lips.

Everything about this was so wrong, but I couldn't stop.

"Bella," he groaned as I bit his bottom lip, begging for him to open up. When he did, our tongues fought for dominance. My hands cupped his face, forcing us closer even though it was impossible at this point.

A loud crash broke us out of our little bubble. My eyes widened at the possibility of something being broken. He was staring at me, evening his breathing.

He slowly let me down on my two feet. I held on to his shoulders to steady myself, then looked into his golden eyes. He looked ecstatic.

"I should probably go see the commotion..." I trailed, noticing his disappointed face. Then a small smile broke out on my face. "Come find me if the other girls are too boring for you," I winked, leaving him stunned as I left.

God, I was drunk.

I stumbled into the foyer, seeing the cause of the noise. Someone thought it was funny to throw a glass bottle from the top of the stairs. I was just relieved nothing precious broke.

"Hey, asshole! If I catch you doing this shit again, you're out," I yelled, sounding more confident than I felt. The guy's eyes widened and he submissively nodded. Based on his terror, he was definitely an underclassman.

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