38- Lump of Applesauce

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We pulled into a small neighborhood and I furrowed my brows as we passed the houses. It was a very suburban community, similar to Dylan's. The houses all had perfect lawns and white picket fences.

He parked my car in a driveway. I stared at the house in front of me. It was very similar to the ones around it. It was two-stories high and looked just as neat as the other houses. I nervously glanced at Dean, unsure where we were.

"This is where I live," he sighed, almost painfully.


"Dean, we don't have to-"

"I know. I want to," he smiled reassuringly, but I could tell he didn't really want to show me. Before I could object, he got out of the car. I scrambled out, not wanting to wait. Truthfully, I was excited. He was finally doing what I wanted and it just proved that he wanted this as bad as me.

He nervously waited by the front door as I caught up. "My parents aren't home," he informed me. I relaxed a little. As much as I wanted to meet his parents, the thought of doing so made me nervous.

We stepped through the threshold and my eyes scanned around. Before I could focus on the details, a pitbull charged toward me.

A normal person may feel scared, considering they're stereotyped as vicious, but not me.

I laughed and squatted down, petting the excited dog. "Aww! So cute!" I laughed as the dog licked me all over the face. "I didn't know you had a dog!" 

I could see him relax a little. "She doesn't warm up to strangers quickly. I'm surprised she's not trying to bite your head off."

I stood up and smacked him on the arm. "So you would have just let her?"

He stuttered through his words until I broke into a grin.

"It's fine, I would let her," I patted the dog's head, whose tail was whacking me in the leg from wagging too hard.

"Dede!" A small voice squeaked, followed by little thumps. I looked up to find the cutest little baby running toward Dean with her arms outstretched. Her resemblance to him was striking. They had the same brown hair and green eyes. Even their noses were similar shapes, even though she was a baby.

Oh my...

I looked at him in horror. "Is this why you were hiding your past from me? You have a kid?"

He scooped her up into his arms. "What? No! She's my sister for fuc- freaking sake." He censored himself in front of the child. I looked at the couple in amusement.

Dean with kids? Weird.

Speaking of kids...

"Oh my gosh we left Terminator at home!" I gasped, earning a nonchalant shrug. I really hoped he wasn't crying right now.

"Lily, this is Arabella," he said, ignoring me.

She looked at me with curiosity. "Abababa." I realized this was her attempt in saying my name, but not random blabbering.

I held in my laugher as I looked at her. "Can you say Bella?"

"Baba," she responded. "Baba Baba Baba Baba."

"Good enough," I grinned, looking back to Dean. He had a silly grin on his face, watching both of us. It made me a little self-conscious.

A teenage boy, looking around thirteen, came to meet us at the door but I figured he wasn't related to them. My thoughts were confirmed when Dean mouthed 'babysitter' to me. He took Lily in his arms and greeted us before moving back further into the house.

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