25- The Teacher's Wrath

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My stomach tied in knots as I walked into school. I decided to cut down on my vibe time to get to class quicker. If Dean was truly going to move on, I didn't want to witness it in the hallway. I just hoped he wouldn't talk about it in class.

Jaz grinned as I walked into English. She seemed surprised I came so quickly, considering I was almost late every single day.

"Ms. Wilks," Mr. Cullen said as I walked past his desk. Something about his authoritative tone made me stop. He wasn't just greeting me, he had something to say. I nervously turned toward him to see his sullen face. "You and Dean both have detention today."

I somberly nodded and made my way to my desk. Jaz asked me what was up with her eyes. I mouthed 'detention', not liking the way the word tasted in my mouth. I couldn't even bring myself to say it out loud.

Her jaw dropped open. "He gave you detention? But, you're like his favorite student!"

"Rules are rules," I shrugged. It was wrong to skip class, and I had to face the consequences. I was just glad Dean would give me company, even if he was the reason for this entire mess.

"Wow Ary, two detentions and skipping class? Slapping a football player in the locker room? You're going wild," she teased, jabbing me in the side. All I could do was sigh. She was right, I was getting out of control.

Dean walked in and my first instinct was to stare at his lips. If he was kissing someone else, they'd be more swollen. I nudged Jaz and whispered, "Do his lips look bigger than usual?" She gave me a weird look before judging for herself. After a second, she shook her head and shrugged simultaneously, letting me know she wasn't sure.

To me, they looked normal. I just hoped it was the case. 

When he took his usual seat next to me, I leaned over and told him about our fun after school plans. His eyes flickered to the teacher, then smirked. I was slightly confused, but then again a lot of things about him confused me.

He looked back over at me and his face softened. "I'm sorry, this is because of me. I can talk to him-"

"No, don't," I sighed. "It's pointless. It was my fault too. Might as well accept the consequences." On my other side, Jasmine proudly patted my back.

One of the things I working on was accepting consequences. I needed to grow up and take things that came my way, no matter how bad. This was a perfect example and I couldn't depend on Dean for taking the bad things away. It's just something I needed to face. 

Mr. Cullen began his lecture. He's lucky he had a pretty face because sometimes it was hard to pay attention to his lessons. If he lacked passion, he was as interesting as watching paint dry. 

He obviously didn't care about Romeo and Juliet. 

"So to preface, they're a young couple in love and do stupid things even though they didn't even know each other for a week," he bitterly sighed. 

A girl in our class shot her hand up. "You don't think it's cute? I mean, they literally loved each other to death. It really shows that love can be found in a short amount of time, against all odds." Her flirty tone made me realize she wasn't referring to only the story. 


Jaz and I gave each other a look before he spoke up. "Well Sam, that may be true, but it's definitely not a good example to go off. This play is... well... unrealistic. What are the odds you'd die to be with someone you met only days ago?" He chuckled, ignoring her obvious attempt at him.

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