45- Two Sneak Ins

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Long time no see :)


"Who the hell even tans during November," Sam's judgy voice yelled. Sara and I were laying on the lounge chairs, tanning in the sun. Luckily the weather wasn't too cool and the sun was shining down.

"Who the hell goes swimming in November?" Sara snapped back. Sam splashed us with the pool water and we both ignored it.


"Besides, the weather is perfect," she sighed blissfully.

I agreed. My eyes were closed as I laid down. I was pretty sure my skin wouldn't get darker, but it was relaxing nonetheless. Although I couldn't see Sara, I knew she mimicked my actions.

"Girls are weird," Justin snorted, talking to Sam.

"Ah, my young Justin. You still have a lot to learn," he replied.

I chimed in. "He has a girlfriend, you know."

Sara and Sam both gasped with surprise. "Really?"

I didn't bother to look, but I could only assume my brother was beaming. He began talking about his girlfriend, effectively catching Sara's attention.

"So cute!" she cooed. "Ary, do you like her?"

I shrugged. "She's a little shy. I don't know her that well."

The sound of a gate opening and closing caught my attention and everyone stopped their conversations to stare at the intruder.

The heat of the sun was blocked and I was aware he was standing over me. Without opening my eyes, I said, "What do you want, Andrew?"

I heard Sara gasp a little and I finally opened my eyes to glance over. She was staring him down - and I mean really staring him down. Not in an intimidating way. She was basically eye-raping him.

"Can we talk?" His blue eyes met mine. I took a good look at him. His blond hair was long enough to cover his eyes now and he kept pushing it back. He had bags under his eyes, no doubt because of football. With the season coming to an end, it was getting tough. Coach was really getting on their asses.

I shut my eyes again. "I'm busy right now."

"Well, soon then?"

My eyes snapped open again and he stepped back after seeing how much anger they held. "No. You don't have the right to demand this. I'll talk to you when I want to, okay?" My voice sounded just as harsh as I intended, making me mentally pat myself on the back.

His eyes widened and he nodded. "Yeah, okay. Sorry. Hi Justin," he waved at my awestruck brother before escaping from the gate again.

I swear I thought I locked that thing.

"Uh... what just happened?" Sam cautiously asked.

Justin gave him a look, telling him not to ask. Instead, all he muttered was, "He's an asshole."

Sara read the room and realized I probably didn't want to talk about it. "Hey, how about we grab lunch. You said something about a diner?"

I appreciated that. Seeing Andrew really dampened my mood. If I stayed out here, all I would think about is what he wanted to say, even if I didn't want to hear it.

I nodded and sat up. "Good idea, I'm actually getting hungry. Let's get ready."

We all piled inside and the boys dried themselves off. They needed time to shower so I wasn't in a rush.

"Where are you kids going?" my aunt asked as I came downstairs, dressed. She and my mom were in the kitchen, trying to recreate a recipe.

"Mel's Diner."

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