48- Battle Of The Testosterone

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A r a b e l l a

I pulled into Westcreek High's parking lot and didn't even bother getting out of the car. I was annoyed, super annoyed. All I wanted to do was spend an evening with Dean and Justin just had to ruin that.

He was sitting on the curb and got up as soon as he spotted me. I unlocked the car for him and frustratedly drummed my fingers on my steering wheel as he took his sweet time walking.

I had to remind myself to not snap at him. It wasn't his fault he couldn't get a ride.

"Hey," he smiled as he got in and threw his bag over the seat. I gave him a tight smile and he immediately took the hint, shutting up. The ride home was quiet, which was great for me.

"What happened with Dylan? He sounded panicked on the phone," I finally asked in the safety of the driveway. At least if I felt like exploding, his escape was only feet away.

Justin turned to me like he's been dying to spill the gossip. "Rumor has it, Reece might get kicked off of being co-captain because he isn't involved enough. He missed a lot of school the week before break."

That meant he went back with Dean. There was no other explanation unless they both coincidentally happened to skip school at the same time.

"Oh," is all I said as I got out of the car. I'd definitely have to ask him about it later.

I cannot believe I had the opportunity to get the whole truth and I completely blew it. For once, Dean was willing to give me answers, but I said no! What the hell?

Lord knows when I'd get another chance.

"You okay?" Justin asked. I broke out of my thoughts and realized I was still standing by my car while he was by the front door. I shook my head and jogged up to meet him. He gave me a weird look before leaving me behind.

My dad didn't greet me by the door today but he was probably busy with work. I didn't take it to heart though.

"Ary!" Justin's voice came from the kitchen. Instead of yelling across the house, I decided to just meet him. He looked frustrated. His frown only grew when he saw me. He pointed to the fridge, which had a pink sticky note on it.

'Another conference. Didn't have time to call, will call you when we land.'

"They're gone," he huffed, sitting on the countertop. Then his excited eyes met mine. "Can I sleepover at Derick's? Please?"

"You mean Erin?" I cocked a brow in amusement as his face turned red. "Jeez Justin, I figured you would have waited..."

"It's not like that," he mumbled, red as a tomato. "We just cuddle."

I went to make another sarcastic response but realized I shouldn't doubt him. I mean, Dean and I mostly did the same thing, right? 

Ugh, Dean. Today was so weird. First, he kissed me in the rain, then he completely avoided me at his house! He sat as far away as possible. I don't get him.

"Hello?" A chubby hand waved in my face. "Can I go or not?"

"Sure, but as long as you don't get her pregnant," I teased, making him turn even redder. He mumbled some defenses as he left the kitchen.

My playful smile dropped as soon as he left. I would be home alone yet again. I loved my brother but sometimes he couldn't get it through his thick skull that even though I gave him permission to leave, it didn't mean I wanted him to leave. I just didn't want to seem like a party pooper.

I pulled out my phone and debated texting Dean. I knew he'd come in a heartbeat if I called, but after today I wasn't so sure anymore. He was acting so weird at this place and I feared I did something stupid to piss him off. I seemed to be doing that a lot.

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