24- Trouble

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"Good morning Bella," my ex-favorite teacher greeted me as I walked past his desk. I ignored him and took a seat at my desk. Dean pulled his desk closer to me and frowned, silently asking for an explanation.

"I'm mad at him," I vaguely answered. I definitely didn't want to go into details. "I know I said we should have our tutoring sessions in his class, but I forgot that I don't like him anymore."

"What did he do?" he asked amusedly.

I dramatically sighed. "He's a dick." His brows raised, demanding more of an explanation. "He was mean to me."

He lightly chuckled and grabbed my hand in his. "Well, I'm glad. I did not want to study in his room, no offense."

I hummed in response and waited for class to start. The final bell rang and Mr. Cullen stood up, smiling at us.

"Let's get started! Can anyone guess what our next book is going to be? Bella?" He grinned, looking straight at me.

"Romeo and Juliet," I guessed unenthusiastically.

He furrowed his brows, taken aback. "Yes actually. How'd you know that?" I shrugged and looked away. "Okay, well, since you answered the question correctly, would you mind helping me fetch the copies from the storage room?"

"I'll do it!" Jaz eagerly raised her hand. He gave me a desperate look but she was already up and heading toward the closet. I sent her a silent thank you, even though she had no idea I was avoiding him.

A few girls sent me questioning looks, probably wondering why I wasn't fighting for my right to be alone in a storage room with the hottest teacher in school.

"Are you okay?" Dean leaned in, still holding my hand. His thumb traced a circular pattern on my palm.

"Fine," I snapped.

"Woah, tiger," he chucked, unaffected by my mood swings. "What's going on?"

"I'm not having a good day," I replied. I didn't really know what was up with me. I just wasn't in the mood.

He glanced at the closet, then the classroom door. "Wanna skip?"

"What?" I snapped my eyes toward him. He surely couldn't be serious... right?

"Yeah, why not? We can grab food or something," he continued tracing the pattern on my hand, distracting my thoughts. "We could bolt right now."

"But he already saw us. Wouldn't we get in trouble?" I nervously bit my lip. The idea of getting in trouble was still unappealing to me, even if Dean treated it like no biggie.

"Arabella, you have to decide within the next five seconds. Besides, wouldn't it be like the best middle finger to him?"

I mulled it over. It would be nice to just leave.

Some shuffling could be heard and before I knew it, Dean was tugging me out of the classroom as Mr. C was stepping out of the closet, Jasmine in tow.

We stopped running when we reached the middle of the hall, a good distance away from the classroom. "Dean!" I hissed.

"What?" His smug face was enough to let me know he didn't regret a thing.

"You didn't even let me think about it."

He smirked and took a step toward me. Instinctively, I took a step back, eyeing him warily. We both repeated the motion and I was flat against the lockers.

"What are you-" I was interrupted by his lips meeting mine, making me temporarily forget about everything. I kissed him back hungrily, as if we hadn't kissed in forever.

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