21- You're Drunk

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Friday Friday Friday. My favorite and least favorite day. Everything always happened on a Friday.

I furiously scribbled in my journal. For once, I wrote about Andrew, and how much I despised him. I talked about his stupid plan and how low he stooped. I even brought up how Dylan was suspended from the team for defending me. 

It's ironic how I used to write about Dean this way.

But I soon ran out of unkind words to say. I found myself slipping Dean into my entry, casually mentioning how much he was affecting me. I'm glad Mr. Cullen and I were so close, or else this would be so embarrassing. But he knew everything. I'd rant to him every day after school. He was better than a therapist. 

"Alright, pass up your journals," he called. I looked at my paper and realized I wasn't even finished. I reluctantly sighed and closed the book shut, handing it to the person in front of me. 

"What do you even write about?" Jaz asked, leaning into me. "Like, you're always writing like there's no tomorrow and you go way past the minimum." 

"The plot of Grey's Anatomy," I lied. She laughed and shook her head at me, falling into my lies. We both packed up and walked out of the class. 

Ever since I confronted my true feelings, I avoided Dean like the plague. I wouldn't even glance at him during class. I spent lunch in Mr. Cullen's classroom. He was definitely catching on. I tried to make it seem super casual, but it was getting harder. I think he started to believe I hated him. 

Maybe it was better this way. He could spend his time pining over Jaz at lunch without me as a cockblock. That way, I wouldn't get my feelings hurt.

Lunch was uneventful though. Mr. C was so engrossed in a book that I was forced to do my homework. I started to regret not taking Dean up with his tutoring offer. The class was killing me and I genuinely needed help.

Home Ec was a mess in itself. Dean kept pestering me and I kept my answers to a minimum, pretending to be annoyed at him, even though I secretly loved the attention. Was that messed up?

Things with Andrew were weird. I was no longer excited with his eyes met mine. I kept my gaze away from him as much as possible, even though I could feel him staring a hole into the side of my head. 

Funny how things turned out.

His partner clung onto his arm, talking how excited she was for the game tonight. It was another away game, so I wasn't going. I'm pretty sure Andrew was the one hosting the party tonight, which made things worse.

I'd have to watch everyone enjoy themselves from my bedroom window as I had a quiet night in.

Dylan's suspension was ending today, so he'd play at the game. I knew Coach wouldn't keep him off for long. Truth be told, the team needed him. He was an amazing player. 

Another day ended with me avoiding Dean. It was getting harder because I could feel him giving up. As selfish as it sounded, I didn't want him to stop. It only meant he was giving up on our friendship, which hurt. 

But it was the right thing to do. 

Every time I spent lunch with Mr. C, I didn't visit him after school. I figured he'd be sick of me soon enough. 

In my defense, it was his fault. He was the one who basically blackmailed me into helping him after school. Now that the task was done, I didn't have it in me to stop. I really enjoyed spending time with him, and I knew he liked me too, no matter how annoying I could be sometimes. I know he secretly enjoyed my rambling. After all, I provided him with the hottest student gossip!

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